chapter 66

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"hey Avery I need to get something, will you be okay if I leave you with max for a bit" Elijah asked as they left the medical wing of the warehouse which was basically a mansion.

"He's here" Avery asked.

"Yeah he will be around somewhere"

"What information do you need that I can't come with you though. I already know what you do"

Elijah sighed, he was hoping she wouldn't ask.

"I need to talk to Jacob" he wouldn't lie to her, he knew she would only make up scenarios if she thought he was lying.

"What! Why?"

"Avery some questions are better left unanswered" Elijah warned not wanting to go into detail.

"It's about her isn't it" Avery whispered. His warning made it clear it was about her.

"Yes" Elijahs voice no longer was gentle, it was blunt and cold. It wasn't directed towards Avery rather the woman who gave birth to her.

"Why don't you talk to her then"

Elijah smirked as he thought back to their last "conversation".

"Long story short Avery, he saved you so I spared his life and in return he's giving me information"
"Why would he help? Hes basically second in charge"

"He had no idea what he was getting into. Hell he didn't know what she did or even who Garrows was. I think he feels a little guilty or some shit. The point is, he has information that I need" Elijah said knowing there was no point hiding it now.

"He gets into peoples heads though, maybe he will know things about her"  Avery said.

"Well I hope so" it was the whole point of speaking to him afterall.

"Please can I come. I need information"

"Avery I don't want you around him"

"I understand that Elijah and if you don't want me there that'd okay too but I don't want to be around him either, I just need anwsers"

Elijah sighed. He knew Avery needed this but he couldn't bring himself to allow it

"I'll go find max" Avery said, she was about to leave when Elijah grabbed her arm.

"You stay by my side at all times, you do not go near him" Elijahs tone was deadly calm and Avery soon found herself complying.

"Great, let's go"

Elijah reluctantly sat  in his office with Avery sat next to him. He had made sure the chair that used to be other side of the desk was pulled away and placed next to him for Avery.

Jacob was excorted in, Elijah nodded for the men to leave. In the end in was just the three of them.

"Nice to see you have recovered well" Jacob commented.
"Don't talk to her, we are here to discuss stuff, she is merely here to listen" Elijah spoke in a tone that made Avery shudder.
"As you wish" Jacob replied, winking at Avery.

"Information now"  Elijah already started to have doubts about sparing him.

"Well from what I can pick up, this was her grand plan, start off small then finally kill her, from everything she's obviously envious of Avery, personally I think that could be used to your advantage"

"Nothing I don't already know" Elijah commented.

"Ok but what if you trick her, make her believe your on her side, give her a glimpse of hope, of freedom and then break it, crush it right in front of her until she looses hope, loose motivation to continue any plans she once had" Jacob said.

"I rather gouge my own eyes out then give her any hope" Elijah replied.

"It's so much more fun to see them break that way. Oh well. As I was saying she thinks she's one of the best so she's sloppy,  she hates critizing her work, I bet it would hurt more coming from you as I think she still loves you"

"But why did she do it" Avery couldn't help but ask since she noticed Jacob avoid it.

Jacob smirked "she was jealous, she wanted Elijah all to herself and because she couldn't, no one could, she knew he would never choose her so he had to go too" there was a short pause before Jacob added to what he said "does that anwser your question, love"

Avery glared at him, before Elijah could yell at him as he was fuming. Avery spoke "don't call me that" she folded her arms.
"Sure thing darling" Jacob teased with a wink, not caring that Elijah was itching to take his gun out of a drawer and shoot him.

"Well at least I won't always be someone's shadow,  even more accurate now don't you think since you were kept in the dark for almost every" Avery couldn't help but smile when she so a proud look from Elijah. 

How about a game of cat and mouse" Jacob knew not to go further with Elijah in the room so he turned his attention back to the task at hand. Elijah thought about it and because of this he never saw Avery's shudder unlike Jacob who sent her a concerned look.

"I see, Avery leave for a little while, I need a more serious conversation but it will only take a few minutes.

Avery nodded, to leave she had to walk past Jacob. "You ok" he muttered so only she could hear as he passed.
Avery nodded

"Goodbye love" Jacob shouted as Avery left.

"I swear you better stop calling her love" Elijah threatened.

"So as I was saying cat and mouse with a twist, let her have hope,  then break her everytime until she's in fear of trying to do anything in case you catch her. She will start to hallucinate and believe you are to torture her even when you aren't"

Elijah smirked. He always did prefer pychological torture and he was impressed with Jacobs ideas. He knew them already but now with more in sight he knew how to approach this situation.

"Here is everything else I know" Jacob handed him a folder.

"Great. We are even. Get out of my building now" Elijah ordered. He did not like how Jacob was around his daughter.

He wanted Xander back. No he wanted Nathan back. Those times were simple.

As Jacob left he saw Avery waiting in a corridor, he looked around, no one was about.

He was about to walk away but she stopped him.

"I still hate you but you save my life and Elijahs, so thank you so much" Avery told him.
"Your welcome, did I see a shudder back there"
"It was nothing" Avery didn't want to talk about it.
"You shouldn't know what cat and mouse is, don't tell me you do" Jacob said.
"Maybe i do"

Jacob glared at the confession. "Give me their names" he said coldly knowing he would have to get his hands dirty.

Avery shook her head but Jacob only gave her a dark look "names, now"

And so Avery reluctantly gave him a few names.

"Perfect. I'll see you around love"

"Why do you call me that" Avery asked not bothering that he was going to leave.

"It's fun and it bothers you" Jacob said, he then stepped closer and whispered "besides you have a cute blush when I do"

"See ya love"

And with that, Jacob left. He left the building a free man but his intentions weren't good, he planned to hunt the names down and slaughter them all.

Thoughts on Jacob now?

A broken promiseOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora