chapter 53

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"why isn't she awake yet" Elijah asked as the doctor came to do a routine check. It had been 3 days since they got her back, 3 days and Elijah refused to leave her side. He was scared of someone taking her so much so that anyone who visited was subject to his intense glare, he watched their movements, he couldn't risk anything happening to her. His mother had tried to get him to go home and rest but he flat out refused. What if she woke up and he wasn't there? What if someone tried to take her?

So he sat waiting for her to wake up, he was completely closed off though, at first he refused to do anything but stay by her side however his thoughts never were pleasant so he had his work brought to him. He sat by her side doing work, his mum had to bring him food so he would eat because he refused to do that. Their was a bathroom in the room, so he used that. He was running on practically no sleep.

The doctor smiled as he walked in, it was a sad smile "I'm afraid I do not know. We have done all we can though" the doctor grimaced at the damage. Broken ribs,  a broken arm, severe bruising, 2 stab wounds.  He dreaded to think of what the pychologically impact would be when she woke.

"Well there must be more, she would be awake otherwise" Elijah knew that the doctor was right, he knew he had to be patient but he was growing impatient and his worry increased with every passing moment.

She had to wake up. She just had too.

After the doctor checked everything was okay, he left, he felt bad for Elijah, especially with the prospect of her not waking up, he knew that if she did wake, she would never be the same.

Elijah sighed, he began stroking her hair and trying to bribe her, offering her all the ice-cream in the world if she just woke up, promising to give her anything she wanted if she just woke up.

He couldn't loose her. He refused to even consider it.

Watching the monitors he felt helpless, he understood how she must have felt when he got himself blown up and he felt even more guilt. This was different though, she would wake soon and they would try get back to normal.

"Maybe when you wake up we can go somewhere, somewhere far away, sweetheart I know you hate how protective I can be but I'm afraid you are going to hate me even more when you wake because I don't think I can bare the thought of you being out of my sight" he said as he continued to stroke her hair. He sighed, he knew in reality, he couldn't do that, she had grow up.
"I could always ship you off to Neverland" he couldn't help but smile at their inside joke, back when they were starting to get back to normal.

"You better wake up, or you won't be able to try out new ice-cream flavours"

"And we will get pizza, lots and lots of pizza, if you wake up"

"You will be so fed up with by the end of the day... once you wake up"

"Damn it. Avery I can't loose you again. Jesus I remember how little you used to be, I remember how you would just look at me with those eyes and I would cave. You were adorable, I missed out so much Avery but I'm going to make up for it. I got you this teddy, it had to match your blanket though because i knew if you could speak you would want that. You slept with it every night. I remember wrapping you in a pink blanket and holding you for the first time, that was the day I knew I'd give you the world if I could. I remember getting you this cute sunflower dress and although you were only a few months i had to get it, I almost bought the entire shop until I saw a few items which weren't good enough for you. I swear I saw the brightest smile when I put you in that sunflower dress, after that I kinda went overboard, I got you this cute little  sunflower headband, actually I got you several, and you looked adorable. God you were so tiny. Damn it Avery, wake up"

By the end Elijah had tears streaming down his face, he couldn't loose her. He wouldn't. She was everything.

The heart monitor suddenly started making noise, it got quicker and the doctors rushed in , nurses followed as they took him out, against his will.
"Avery. What's happening? I need my daughter, what's happening.". Elijah shouted. He tried to get past but max was coming to visit at the moment. He saw the nurse struggling to hold him back and he raced forward grabbing and holding Elijah back.

"Avery" Elijah whispered as tears fell.

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