chapter 63

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Thankfully Elijahs men had caught the person responsible and taken him down to a cell. When Elijah finally got to the cell, he was fuming.

"You think you can kill me" he snapped and kicked the man.

"I'm sorry I failed you" the man said directing it towards Sarah.

Of course it was her doing.

"How did you fail, it was a simple task" Sarah asked.

Elijah was suprised she was still concious but then again she was slipping in and out of it and whilst she was awake she was in unimaginable pain.

"Your kid got in the way" the man snapped.

This peaked Elijahs curiosity, "Your kid?"

Sarah just laughed, it was a laugh of a maniac.

"Sarah why the hell did he call him your kid" Elijah was back in Sarah's cell in seconds, pinning her against the wall.

"I remember when this meant something else" Sarah taunted.

Elijah instantly let her go in disgust.

"Worried he's secretly your kid now" Sarah continued.

Elijah laughed, it was dark and sinical "not at all, we hadn't met 19 years ago"

Sarah's face stopped with the realization she couldn't taunt him.

"Fine Jacob is not my kid, he just got referred to it because I am his mentor, I am the woman he looks up to..." Sarah began but Elijah cut her off "funny that he sold you out in seconds then" that shut her up and Elijah left her cell and went back to the unknown man's cell.

Elijah walked out of cell after only half an hour, he was quick to talk when Elijah got out bigger weapons to use to torture the man more with.

Once he got back upstairs, he knew he had to change before going home. He was covered in blood and so he went to his office where he kept a change of clothes.

After changing, he was about to leave and go home when the doctor caught him.

"I just wanted to check in with you about Avery"

"She is recovering well,thank you"

"That's great to hear, of course we will need to continue the check ups until she is all healed"

"Very well"

"Tommorow 5pm"

Elijah was about to say no but the doctor already walked off.

Elijah checked the time as he headed out, he had been much longer than he thought he would be. It was already night-time, he knew he needed to get back as he realised Avery was probably worried.

When he did get home the first thing he noticed was how quiet it was, it was eerily quiet and that sent him on high alert as he produced his gun from his waistband.

"Avery" he called out, his main concern was always Avery.

When he received no response, his worry grew.

He decided to be calm about it all before freaking out.

He went upstairs, it was obvious she wasn't downstairs. He checked her room, nothing.

He checked several rooms, nothing.

Finally he made his way to the library, it was his last stop and if she wasn't there, he would be calling his men over.

He opened the door and instantly sighed with relief as he put his gun back in his waist band. Avery was asleep on the sofa with a book. It still didn't explain where his parents were but at that moment he didn't care. He walked over to Avery and sat down on the sofa, lifting her slightly and hugging her "I'm back like I promised" he whispered. He slowly stood again, he debated taking her to her room but he wanted her to sleep so he carefully removed the book that was on her and grabbed a blanket that she must have brought in, he draped it over her and smiled.

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