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It's been a month since I found out dad was a mafia boss. I thought I was okay with it but everytime he's out I can't help but think the worst. I couldn't let him know I see him this way though so ignored it. I spent time with my friends, I went to school, I did normal teenage stuff.
Xander and I had a strained relationship to start but I quickly moved past it, Xander didn't want to be in a gang, he was being forced into it.

To say Elijah was pissed about it all was an understatement, not even a week later and shit had already gone down. 
There was a trial date in a few weeks, because dad was 'the Elijah West' the proceedings moved quicker, apparently his name meant alot around here.
Elijah was adement that Xander wouldn't go into care, I had repeatedly expressed my concerns because I knew what it was like.

I didn't need to though, Elijah had already been on top of it and after many
'you betray me and you will wish you were never born' directed at Xander, dad had let him join the mafia. He found this couple who wanted a kid but couldn't because they didn't want to bring a innocent child into the mafia and had approached them about Xanders situation. Apparently they agreed straight away and so after the trial they were going to become Xanders legal guardians.

Everything was working out well, even if it was hard to look past the mafia stuff.


I saw the way she looked at me when I came home late. I hated it but yet it amused me. My daughter thinks I do mafia shit way more than I actually do. Most of my time is spent on on all my legal businesses.
Just a few days ago I was speaking Spanish to one of my legal business clients and she had walked in when she heard me speak she looked at me like I'd just ordered a bit out on someone. I had to reassure her multiple time it was just a investment meeting.

I wasn't as secretative as before, Avery knows now so if I was going out then I would tell her, after all I found it was the best way. If I didn't tell her she would think everytime I'm not with her I'm out killing someone. I really need to get those thoughts from her head. I couldn't blame her for thinking like that. I just had to reassure her that I'm not as bad as she thinks.

Xander was also another issue for me. After discussing a plan of action with him, he realized it was wrong what they were doing and he made me promise that he wouldn't go into care, in exchange he would give me all the information I want. It really did break my cold heart hearing him ask that. His life wasn't a business deal and I would never let him go to a care home, not after Avery. Hell I'd even let him live here before a care home. Thankfully a couple agreed to be his guardian and warning him not to cross me, I let him join my gang. We had taken down his family gang a few days after he told me and now he was currently staying in the gang house.

I had designed the house personally. It had a medical suite, training rooms, weapon rooms, a basement for my torturing and then a large kitchen, dining room, living room and plenty of ensuite bedrooms. It wasn't designed to be permanently lived in as all members had their own houses but with late night deals, no one wanted to go home to their partner bloody.  So there was always someone around.
There was always a few that stayed more regularly then others so I always made it a point to check on them every few weeks. 
I wasn't just a ruthless killer, I cared about the members. Maybe that was one of the reasons I was so powerful, I had loyal members all who would stand with me in a fight.

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