chapter 12

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It was surprisingly easy to get out, I didn't see one guard and I quickly made it down the drive and onto the street. I take my phone out and send Beth a quick message to tell her I'm on my way.

I was in the clear, no guards, just me. As I carried on walking I couldn't help but feel paraniod. I was finally on my own. It had been a while since I had no one around even if it was just my friends.

Part of me felt free but then I also felt anxious. I ignored that part of me though, I was anxious because I hadn't been alone for a while.

This was dad's fault. He made me feel like this. Unknownly yes but I had told him multiple times I didn't want guards, he never listened.

Finally I arrived at Beth's and she greeted me quickly then dragged me up to her room, my worries vanished as I sat on her bed and listened to the latest gossip as she tried to find something for us to watch.

3rd person

The guards were freaking out, one of them had gone to check on Avery as she had been in her room all day and when they discovered she wasn't there it sent panic throughout the house, everyone was looking for her. They couldn't help but think the worst, she was kidnapped but they hoped for the best, that she had snuck out. It was obvious she wasn't in the house and the guards took too the streets to find her.

This was bad. Security cameras were outside unfortunately none of them thought to check them as they were to worried. Not only for her safety but for theirs, their boss would kill them if anything happened.

Elijah had just arrived home, he was in a bad mood already and was hoping Avery wouldn't mention the guard thing, he was in no mood to argue with her. When he pulled up he noticed that the guards were in plane sight and looking around. Usually they were never seen only in emergencies. His bad mood turned into worry as he got out of the car and walked up to the first person he saw.
"What's going on" he asked.
Anna quickly came up to him, saving the guard who looked ready to throw up.
"Sir, your daughter. Well the thing is, well she's....she's gone" Anna nervously told him and waited for him to get angry only he didn't. He was much much worse then they expected.

"I should kill you all now, how the fuck could you let my baby girl out of your sights. Did you fucking confirm whether it was her doing. Why are you still fucking searching the grounds. I swear if someone has taken her you will all suffer a painful death. I want her found now"

Everyone shuddered at his tone and quickly scrambled away to look for her.

Hours past and Elijah was worried about his daughter but angry with her at the same time, he had been smart enough to check the cameras and see that she had wandered out on her own. He had tried to call her, he had tried to track her phone but she never picked up in fact she had turned her phone off. He had thrown a few things at the wall when he realized. At least she was smart enough to avoid being tracked. No. He wasn't going to turn this into a positive situation.

His family had heard and were all there within an hour so currently his mum was making coffee, his dad and brother were dealing with any information that they had on her whereabouts. Em had to leave not long ago due to a doctor's appointment for Maisey.
And Elijah was in the process of  hacking into the street cameras. He at first went looking but when his family came and reminded him it would be more helpful if he knew where he was looking. He had pretty much all of the mafia on the streets looking for her, it would be easier if he had a location and so hacking the street cameras to find out where she went was the best solution he could come up with.

His anger had turned to guilt multiple times. He had caused this, he had become to protective. If he had just gotten rid of the guards, if he had just been a normal father, If he hadn't have gone to work today.

Each thought, he blamed himself more and more until his father managed to convince him.

"I would have kept the guards too. If it's between having her watched from a difference or being taken by someone like Garrows, I would choose guards every time"

The words had made his guilt lesson and his worry increase, what if some old foster has gotten their hands on her. She had mentioned alot of families were abusive.

God this was the worst feeling ever, he couldn't consentrate. He had even called the couple Xander was staying with now and had spoken to Xander who had made it clear she wasn't with him. He had offered to go looking but Elijah felt guilty for having a 16 year old join in the search so he had told him it wasnt nessacary.

His phone rang just as he was about to enter the last numbers in order to access the street camera.
"Better be fucking important" he mumbled as he anwsered.

"What, you better have some good news for me or I'm going to...." He snapped but before he could threaten to kill the person, the person spoke.
"Well hello to you too"
"Who are you and what do you want" he asked not recognizing the number of voice. He didn't have time for this.

"It's Mr Matthews, the headteacher, Beth's dad. I was just calling to check if it's ok with you if Avery stays the night"

Elijah couldn't help but sigh with relief. "Is she there" he asked, hoping he would say yes and isn't just asking for Avery to come over.
"Yeah, the girls are watching tv"

"Thank you for letting me know, unfortunately we have family round so I'll come pick her up"

After a short conversation, Elijah ended the call and grabbed his keys.

"Found her, she's with Beth" he shouted as he headed downstairs. He didn't have time to tell them individually hence the shouting. He heard multiple thank gods as he left the house.

Avery was in big trouble.

It wouldn't have been that bad if she had left a note or something but no. He had nothing to go on, she had just left for hours without telling anyone.

He wasn't going to let this go. Not a chance.

Sooooo Avery is in trouble, do you think Elijah is overreacting ?
Any thoughts about what's going to happen next?

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