Chapter 49

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Eros D'Amica's POV

Seraphina is going to be the death of me.

After she discovered a pack of cigarettes in my kitchen drawer, Caitlin calls me saying her dad wants a meeting with me to discuss the wedding.

I grab my car keys and meet with Mr Johnston at a nearby cafe.

"Mr Johnston, why did you want to meet?" I ask him after the formalities were over.

"Please, call me Rick." He says.

"I wanted to talk to you about how this marriage will affect you." He continues

"If you go ahead with the marriage there will be a permanent tenured place for you on the Royal Guard." He explains with a knowing glint in his eye.

I couldn't believe what I was hearing, a permanent place on the Guard. It's what I've been training for since I was six. The position is extremely hard to come by. It's been my lifelong goal and now it's being offered to me on a silver platter.

"Of course there will be other advantages too." He winks at me.

"Sir, with all due respect, are you attempting to bribe me to marry your daughter?" I ask him earnestly.

"I'm not going to lie to you Eros, I am. Because that's what a father does for his daughter, he keeps her happy and you make her happy."

"Sir I want to have tenure because I earned it, not because I'm marrying your daughter." I explain to him. If I don't go through with the marriage I would like to know if the position still stands.

"Boy, you're a great soldier, the best on the Guard by far, you deserve the position. Consider it a wedding gift." He says.

That answer didn't tell me what I wanted to know. He's giving it to me because of Caitlin. My fiancé.

"Look son, I know Caitlin isn't the easiest to get along with but you're smart. This marriage is a good move for your career." He says

I want to be a permanent position on the Royal Guard, even Hans isn't permanent. All I have ever dreamed of is this. All I have to do is marry Caitlin.

"You'll make the right choice, I know it." He says and our meeting is ended.

If I got tenure I would rarely be home and would barely see Caitlin anymore than I already am. My parents would be so proud. It's a no brainer. Seraphina is going back to prison anyway so she wouldn't be around to stir things up anymore. It's the perfect equation.

I go home and start cooking dinner for myself when I get a phone call from a panicked Theo saying that Seraphina is going to get herself killed.

He didn't need to say anything more than that. I met him at the location and he explained the situation to me.

Apparently Seraphina has made a deal with some guy she's fighting who's ten times her size, that if she loses he can kill her.

To make matters worse, she's locked in a cage with the guy. This is not going to end well.

I find out that Enzo's here aswell. I know that he's good friends with Theo and Seraphina has a soft spot for him so I'm not surprised to see him. I take Theo and Enzo over to the door of the cage and try to unlock it before Seraphina gets herself killed.

Two guards with machine guns come over to us, looking like they mean business. We back away into the crowd. We're here to save Seraphina not get ourselves killed.

I stand in the crowd as I watch her shoulder dislocate.

She barely finches and literally flips over the guy's head and pins him to the floor, strangling him with her legs.

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