Chapter 25

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Seraphina's POV

"YEA? WELL FUCK YOU!!" I scream at the guards standing outside my cell.

For the past 2 weeks I've been held in a cell awaiting trial. There's 2 guards stationed outside the wrought iron door at all times. I try to convince them that I'm dying so they open the door and try to save me so I can make my escape. Needless to say, they don't seem to care whether I live or die.

When I first got to this hellhole, I was seen by the doctor who stitched up the wounds on my cheek and neck. He told me that some inmates get released on 'medical furlough' whatever the fuck that is.  So now every time the guards change I pretend to violently vomit and collapse on the floor, when they peek in through the peephole I shake like I'm having a seizure. I have not been furloughed.

I've got my trial today and I'm really looking forward to it. I've decided to represent myself because I don't trust the lawyer they're gonna give me. Also I've watched legally blonde like 12 times over the course of my lifetime. I'm gonna ace this because you can't get your hair wet for 24hours after getting a perm at risk of deactivating the ammonium thyglocolite. Period.

Speaking of periods, I got mine for the fist time in a year. I think it's the stress of being in prison.

I have a bad history with my vagina from my father raping me and getting me pregnant (I'll explain that later) to getting chlamydia and being sex trafficked and raped everyday for three weeks until I finally escaped, leaving me with long term scarring. So needless to say my vagina has kinda turned against me.

Further more on me getting pregnant, I was 8 when my father started it which led to me getting my period earlier than most at the ripe old age of 9. My father didn't care that I could get pregnant and kept doing it. I always used to keep an extra close eye to make sure I bled every month, so when I missed my period for 2 months I nearly died.

I couldn't afford an abortion and they would ask too many questions about an 11 year old being pregnant with severe bruising and wounds all over her body and you need a parent or guardian to go with you. I had neither. So I did the only thing I could think of, I coat hangered myself. I ended up ripping out half my Fallopian tube and ended up passing out in the middle of the street.

I was rushed to hospital and given emergency surgery to repair the internal bleeding and remove the damaged Fallopian tube and my left ovary aswell. I was in the recovery ward for a week before a nurse told me that the police were coming for me, I never told them my name so I was able to sneak away from the ward and run back to the house and pack a few things. That was the last time I was in that house. I ran away that same day.

And yes, I am in complete denial that it happened and no, I do not want to talk about it.

So my coochie miaow miaow betrayed me and now she's come back to punish me. Great.

I might kill myself. I've hit the basement of rock bottom.

I'm more than content to go. I got my last little piece of revenge, when I was given my phone call, I called one of my friends in the mafia and I told them to kidnap Eros' little sister Gia for a week and to leave a note saying,

"Sorry I killed your sister,

From Seraphina x"

They gave her back after a week but it's still funny to think about.

Anyways who wants a room tour?

So in the left hand corner, furthest away from the door we have my bed. It's a single bed, being suspended from the wall. I have a blanket that smell like death and a mattress that's thinner than my underwear.

In the right hand corner we have the toilet I pretend to vomit into. It's a steel bowl, very cold on the cheeks and it has one roll of toilet paper so I better not have any toilet explosions. Next to the toilet there's a tiny sink that only runs cold water.

On the wall the top of my bed is suspended from there's a window,it's very small and dirty and it's got bars over it but it gives a lovely view of nothing because there's another wall opposite it, blocking any sort of view.

There's an fluorescent light built into the ceiling that goes off at sometime during the evening and comes on at another time during the morning. I wouldn't know the time because there's not a fucking clock.

That's it. Tour over.

The door opens and 12 guards are blocking the door while they restrain my with a straight jacket and ankle shackles. A bit extreme.

"You're all kinky huh?" I ask with a smirk on my face.

I get no reply and I'm led to the conference room I'm silence. The guards have never spoke to me once. I think they're mute or Hans has cut their tongues out and eaten them. It's something he would do.

I'm pushed into my seat with a video camera facing me and the tv screen showing me the courtroom.

I've talked my way out of jail before I'll do it again. No I won't. It doesn't matter what way I spin my story, I'm still going to prison. So being the mature person that I am, I'm going to make this trial the biggest pisstake of my life.


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