Chapter 23

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I ended up spending the day with Eros. We walked and talked around San Diego and I actually enjoyed spending time with him. He's been uncharacteristically nice to me all day, holding doors open, paying for food and just being nice in general, paying attention to what I was saying.

It was the late evening now and we were walking back to the diner where both his cars were parked.

He reaches for my hand.

A warm feeling spreads through my body and he walks beside me, holding my hand.

He said earlier that if I give him the crown I could walk free. I've been doing some serious thinking about that.

He walks to the jeep,still holding my hand.

"Woah woah woah, this is my car now." I say as he opens the door.

He sighs and smiles.

"Keep it," he says, holding out the keys. I hate the amount of niceness this guy is radiating.

"Well I was going to anyway," I say hautily as I walk to the trunk of the car.

Am I really going to do this?

I pop open the trunk and he stares at me, intrigued.

I lift up one of the back seats and pull out the crown, tossing it to him,

"It's been in there since New York." I say flatly,

When I went to his hotel room, I put the crown in there before I went in. Thanks to Donny,  I knew which car he was driving and I just put it in. It was risky but it worked out in the end because where ever I went, he wasn't far behind and in turn the crown wasn't either.

"I don't want to run anymore." I state as he looks at the crown in awe.

"Thank you," he says, looking at me.

"No problem, buddy." I say, closing the boot of the car.

"It's what you wanted, right?" I ask, thinking about today.

He grabs my hand and pulls me close to him, pressing me against his body,a familiar ache in between my thighs.

"You're what I want." He says firmly in a hushed voice, bringing his face down to mine, cupping my noninjured cheek.

I look up at him, my heart going a million miles an hour. He looks down at me, his green eyes full of lust and ...... something else I couldn't make out.

"Fuck," he says before smashing his lips to mine.

I kiss him back, deepening the kiss as I push my body closer to his.His hand drops from my face as his tongue penetrates my lips, as we kiss, our tongues fighting for dominance.

My hand reaches around the back of his neck, tangling my fingers in his hair as I feel one of his arms wrapped around my waist, I can't tell where the other one is.

I feel a prick in my neck and I pull away from the kiss, feeling an unfamiliar warmth spread through my body.

My hand reaches up to where I felt the prick and I look up at Eros, whose looking at me with a guilty look on his face as I pull out an empty syringe from my neck.

"W-what?" I ask him pleadingly. My words seem slurred and my mind feels foggy.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry." He whispers as my legs collapse beneath me, his arm that was around my waist holding me up.

I begin to hyper ventilate as I piece together what has happened. It was a trap. He was nice to me so I showed him where the crown was. He was never going to let me walk free.

"P-please, don't." I whisper as my eyelids start to get heavy, tears pricking my eyes. A single tear falling as darkness takes over me.

I lay unconscious in his arms.

The thing in his eyes I couldn't make out earlier.


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