Chapter 43

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Seraphina's POV

I wake up and reach over to where Eros was supposed to be.

Not feeling him in the bed, I open my eyes and sit up. He's gone.

Conveniently so is the file from where it was thrown across the room.

I came here to manipulate Eros yet somehow I feel like I'm the one who's been manipulated?

I pull the bed covers tighter around me as I scan the room, looking for any trace of him left behind. Everything gone. Feeling kinda used, I'm not gonna lie.

I walk into the bathroom to check the time on my phone that's in my handbag.

When I walk in I notice the bottle of vodka I was drinking from yesterday was tipped over. I don't remember doing that. I search my handbag for my phone. It's not there.

Looking at myself in the bathroom mirror, I look a mess. My hair is wild, my mascara is smudged and there's hickeys all over the visible parts of my breasts. I didn't take of the corset style of lingerie I was wearing when we were having sex.

I reach up to my neck where the key to the diaries was supposed to be on a chain around it. I haven't taken it off since I put it on, not even to shower. It did get a little rusted admittedly.

My heart sinks as I run back to the bed and start stopping the sheets off it frantically, trying to find the necklace. Please god tell me he didn't.

"Fuck!" I scream as I pull the pillows off the bed. My heart pounding rapidly.

"Oh my god!" I exhale as I find the necklace on the floor near the bed.

I was prepared to murder him. But crisis averted, it was a cheap chain and the clasp broke, probably when Eros was choking me:)

Still don't know where my phone went. It was a cheap burner phone so I know that it was probably stolen deliberately by some low life conniving bastard (Eros). What he wants with the phone I have no clue, the only person I've dialled is Donny and he deletes the phone records after I've called him so there's literally nothing on the phone.

I go back into the bathroom and try to salvage what I can of the spilt vodka from the bottle when I hear the door open.

Gary is still strapped to my thigh. I've honestly slept with him so much I don't think I'm physically able to sleep without him.

I pull Gary out as I duck behind the door, ready to shoot.

"Seraphina?" The intruder calls out.

It's really funny because the voice sounds exactly like Eros, the man who fucked my brains out, stole my phone and disappeared after.

I step out from the bathroom, pointing Gary at him, with my vodka in my other hand.

"Where the fuck is my phone?" I demand as I take in his appearance.

He's wearing a fresh white shirt and black suit trousers, with an all black belt holding them up. He has a black suit blazer slung over his shoulder as he carries a coffee with the Starbucks logo on it. Weird.

He sighs as he reaches into his back pocket and pulls out my phone.

"Bastard." I snap as I grab the phone from his hand.

"I'm a bastard for turning your phone off because it kept ringing?" He asks condescendingly, his brows raised with an amused smirk on his face.

"Yes." I say as I check out the number that's been calling me. I don't recognise it and I don't give my phone number out to anyone.

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