Chapter 16

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Seraphina's POV

The next day.

Vegas. Why have I not come here sooner! I love it here. I spent the day exploring and putting in job resumes. Because all I did in New York was eat,drink,party, repeat, I've been strapped for cash recently and if I have anymore free time I'm going to masturbate myself into a coma.

I've applied for all sorts of jobs sales assistant, bartender, cashier, showgirl and my last stop of the day is a strip club. I always knew my tits would help me go far in life and now I'm putting them to the test. All you have to do is give them your contact info and you arrange an audition and they'll decide if they like what your selling.

I was a stripper for a little while when I first got into prostituting but I couldn't manage them both and I was getting more money from prostituting so I quit stripping. Also I come from a broken home with no maternal figure in my life which is why I'm attracted to older women and no one taught me how to shave my coochie. I think I've circumcised myself I'm not gonna lie and with stripping, I couldn't really have a bush but when I was fucking strangers for money I could. So everything worked out in the end.But that's kinda of irrelevant. 

I've been staying in a motel for $25 a night. It looks like the kind of place someone would get murdered but I kind of dig it.

I walk into my motel room, kicking my shoes off at the door. I pull out my old burner phone from New York and pull up D'Amica's contact info. The poor fucker should be writhing in agony by now. Unless I drank the poison instead. I can thank Tanner for making me take a shot of it everyday for breakfast, I'm practically immune to it now. Whoop Dee fucking doo.

I went shopping earlier today and bought some food to keep in my room. Pulling an apple out of the shopping bag I begin to eat it, feeling contempt that somewhere out there a man is in agony because of me. Life is good.

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