Chapter 17

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Eros D'Amica's POV

I got back to the hotel at 1 in the morning after trying to track down Seraphina but with no such luck. I think I'm coming down with something aswell , my muscles are aching, my head feels like it's on fire, everything is so loud and I'm having double vision. I'm praying I don't see Seraphina right now. I can barely handle seeing one of her, I would surely die if there was two psychotic bitches.

I change into some grey sweats and take off my shirt, deciding to go topless. I decide that the best thing for me to do is to sleep it off, whatever I've got and I flop onto my bed and drift off to sleep.

****** a few hours later******
I wake up with a gasp, my body feels as though it's on fire. I go to move my leg and the pain intensified to ten times worse. It hurts to breath, I'm drenched in a cold sweat, I'm over heating yet freezing at the same time. The pain is excruciating, practically paralysing me as the slightest movement sends explosions of pain pulsing through my body, every single nerve ending is alight with agony.

Whatever this was,it doesn't seem like something I could catch. I've been poisoned. Red fire poison to be exact, it's tasteless and transparent, lethal and when ingested the consumer will be in agony for hours before death., I remember from training and I fit all the symptoms.

I rack my brains trying to figure out how I could have been poisoned. I think back to when I went to the bathroom and mentally kick myself.

That bitch.

She must've put it in my wine when I was at the bathroom. That was an amateur mistake, leaving my glass unattended.

"Bitch... ahh!" I groan, gasping for air as the pain intensifies, spreading all over my body feeling like a thousand knives are being stabbed into me.

Drenched in sweat,a single tear escapes my eye are rolls onto the pillow. This is how I'm going to die. No one will know until the hotel disconcerting my body and that could be days after it happens. My mind flashes to my family and the pain my death will cause them. The Royal Guard is notorious for covering up causes of death, blaming it on a suicide or freak accidents. I can only think about what they will label mine. Anything but a suicide, I pray, knowing that will cause more pain to my family, thinking I was in pain mentally on the run up to my death. Causing my family pain, that alone would be enough to kill me.

The pain has been going on for 8 hours at this point and I start to see black spots in my vision as I drift unconscious, ready for death to end this pain.

This is it. This is how I die,- not protecting the Royal Family, not saving orphans from a burning building, not from old age, surrounded by loved ones. But in a hotel room, in a different country, in excruciating pain, alone.

All because of Seraphina Gorga.

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