Chapter 12

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The waitress brings out our food.Thankful for the distraction, I look at my plate.

"what is this?" I ask him.


"It looks... yummy." I say staring down at the dish- it does not look yummy. It looks like death.

"You can't send it back," he states

"Why not?"

"Because you ordered it." He says like that's a valid reason as to why I can't send it back.

I pick up my fork and try a mouthful of the foreign dish and nod like I'm really enjoying it. Interesting- it looks like death and tastes like it aswell.

"Good, isn't it," he teases

"It's even better when you swallow, you know how to do that don't you?"He goads,giving me a wink and throwing me a napkin to spit it back out.

"Yea just ask your dad." I say after swallowing.

Just then the waitress walks over to us.

"Can I get you anything to drink?" She asks us.

"Yes I'll take a bottle of red and....?" Eros looks at me.

"Vodka, on the rocks please." I ask and the waitress walks away to get our drinks.

"You're 19." He states, clearly unimpressed with my choice of drink.

"Thank you for informing me, I had briefly forgotten my age for a moment," I drawl out sarcastically.

"You're underage." He continues. I forgot the drinking age was 21 in America but some how I've never got carded. God I must be ageing terribly.

"Thanks for noticing Captain Obvious!" I say sarcastically, he was really getting on my nerves now.

"How old are you?" I ask, curious.

"26, you're barely legal to drink in the Uk never mind in America."

Jesus Christ, he's 26? May aswell be on life support and circling the drain at that age.

"Don't start talking to me about the legalities of the situation when you're the one with a stiffy for a 19 year old." I say curtly.

"Pedo. You definitely touch little boys behind the church altar. Or maybe you were touched as a child? Hmm." I say with a slight hint of sarcasm, forgetting not everyone had the same humour as me.

"Don't be so disgusting, that's not funny." He says, evident his patience is wearing thin. Maybe that joke was a little too dark for him.

"Were you touched as a child?" He sneers, expecting me to shut up, wanting to be done with the conversation.

"Yes, yes I was." I answer honestly and stare at him as furrows his brow, searching my face for any sign of a lie.

"Fuck." He says,relaxing his brow as his face turns from a look of suspicion to a look of hurt. I stare at him trying to figure out why that seemed to hurt him. I can't think of any reason.

"This is good pasta, what's it called again?"I ask him, while digging into my food I don't like, changing the subject.

"You-" he began but was interrupted by the waitress bringing over our drinks.

"Thanks." I say taking a big gulp of my drink, my red lipstick leaving a print on the glass.

Once she's gone we continue our meal in silence.

" How long have you been drinking?" He questions, watching me intensely.

I drop my knife and fork, now done my meal, and lean back in my seat,

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