Chapter 48

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Seraphina's POV

Note to self: Ask Theo for a key.

So after I went all 'I will destroy you' on Eros and walked off into the night, I went back to Theo's place cos I was tired. That is where my problems started.

Firstly it started raining, again.
Secondly Theo's not home.
Fourthly I left my phone in the apartment.
Sixthly Theo has given me multiple warnings about breaking the door down.
Thirdly I need a shit.
Lastly I've been waiting for the past hour for Theo to come back.

I'm gonna shit my knickers. Oh dear Lord.

I also never got a chance to talk to Xander about my plan. Fucking D'Amica.

I've been out of prison for two fucking days and already I've: found the princess, blew up my house, found a way to save the princess, fucked Eros and fought a guy to help save the princess.

Can anyone cut me some slack? No. Apparently not.

Eros and his team is going to Camoda tomorrow. They're all going to die.

And do you want to know the worst part? There's only one girl on the team and that's Celeste. Sexy Goddess Celeste. Fucking men.

Now do I let them die? Or do I save them all? Or only save my precious baby Enzo and pet boy Theo? Ughhh. Decisions decisions decisions.

I give up on waiting and head back to the arena to talk to Xander. His men are all trained fighters and there's women included in his ranks aswell.#girlbosses. I've had a fling with half of them but that's cool. Get it I guess.

"Xanny boy, the pipes, the pipes are callinnggggg" I serenade him as he lies in the medics bed in the arena.

"Did my singing heal you?" I ask as I take a seat next to his bed.

"No." He says flatly

"So here's the deal.I need your men to help me pull off a heist, it's very dangerous and very risky." I continue.

"Your men are gonna help me this one time and I'll give you back whoever survives."

"Sounds like a fair deal." He says, with a slight lisp due to his lost teeth.

"I know right?" I say sarcastically.

"How's the shoulder?" He asks

"Better than your face I'll tell you that." I joke.

He laughs and winces after.

"How's the liver?" I ask, genuinely curious as to how they're treating it.

I came up with the move a few years ago but I've only done it a few times and I've always killed the victim after, except for one time and they had liver problems for months after that eventually killed them.

"Bad, trying to find a transplant on the black market." He says.


"Want me to harvest one for you?" I ask him, deadly serious.

"Nah, I'll get one soon enough Phina. What'd you do anyway?" He asks intrigued.

"It's a move I came up with when I was a runner for the high ups, not entirely sure on the logic but it gets the job done." I explain to him vaguely. Last thing I needed was someone running around doing it to other people just for the shits and giggles.

"I'm gonna go talk to Ace about tomorrow, get well soon yea?" I say as I get up to leave.

"Yea." He says as I walk out.

I go to the den where Xander's guys live and get them all in the one room. There's only about thirty of them or so. I was a drug runner and worked with these guys once so it was nice to see them all.

"Okay so here's the situation,yous are gonna help me rescue a hostage from Camoda." I announce.

I wanted to explain to them what they're getting themselves into and give them an out if they wanted it. I was never going to force someone to fight a battle that's not theirs.

Out of the thirty people, seventeen stayed. That's better than I thought. The rest had families and lives that they wanted to live and I respect that.

"Where's Ace?" I realise that my main man isn't here.

"He's on drop but he'll be down." Trevor tells me. He's Ace's best friend.

He's like my pre-Enzo baby....... To whom I had a friends with benefits situation with and was one of my best friends whom I held very near and dear to my heart. But then I kicked him to the curb and ended our friendship when he got involved with sex trafficking. So not really like Enzo.

"Great." I say and fill my squad in on the details and what I need them to do.

It's getting late and I need to talk to Theo about some pretty heavy topics.

I get back to Theo's place to find him and Enzo sitting on the couch together, deep in conversation. I thought that Enzo would have gone home but I guess not.

"Heyyy." I say as I walk in the door.

"I need to talk to yous." I tell them as I sit in the armchair in the corner of the room.

"Can this wait till the morning? We're kinda going through something right now." Theo asks and Enzo gives me a sympathetic smile.

"Yea sure. Do you need any help or anything?" I ask them, concerned.

Theo gives me a dismissive no and asks me privately if I could stay somewhere else tonight. I say yea and grab my bag and leave.

I'm not going to pretend to know what they're going through but I hope it all works out. I'm rooting for them.

So there I was, once again trying to find somewhere to sleep. I have a good idea of what we're walking into tomorrow and I kinda wanted to give a heads up to Theo and Enzo. But we move.

I go to headquarters and go to the toilets to change my bloody leggings into a pair of sweatpants that don't fit me properly.

I head to Eros' office, kick the lock off his door and crash on his couch for the night. It's a really comfy couch. I've noticed it a few times when I've been lying on it.

Fuck Eros. I'm not even gonna show up tomorrow. I'm gonna let them just run in to Camoda and die. Yeah. That sounds good.

I've never said that I'm a good person, I've never pretended that I am. I do what I have to do to survive and Eros forgets that, I'm selfish, if shit gets tough this bitch goes running, I have made it evidently clear numerous times.

I. Am. Not. A. Good. Person.

My plan was to help them get the princess and slip away after, they'll think I died or something and I'll live happily ever after. Might become a nun again, we'll see.

But on the other hand, I did a shit ton of work and I put a lot of effort into finding the princess. Why is life so hard?

I hate life, I hate men, I hate myself, I hate black coffee, I hate Hans, I hate Caitlin,I hate Eros for making me love him.

Wait what?


Ewwww.omg yes.

That is repulsive

I'm in love with Eros D'Amica.

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