Chapter 3

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"Hey Mitch, how've you been?" I ask him sitting down at his table at the coffee shop, putting my identical bag next to his.

"You know me, Phina just going with the flow." Mitch says trying to make small talk with a guilty look on his face.

"What's wrong?" I ask suspiciously, discreetly looking at the exits incase I need a quick get away.

"I'm getting old, too old for all this." He says motioning the air.Mitch was a guy with tan skin with a few wrinkles, black greying hair, in his late forties with 3 kids in their late teens, his wife died of breast cancer a few years ago and he needed the money so he went into business with me. He often complains about his age so I pay no notice to his statement.

"You're not retiring on me yet, are you old man?" I say teasingly giving him a punch on the arm. He looks at me with his guilty face.

"Oh you are joking,-" I begin to complain before he cuts me off.

" I want to see my kids grow up, go to university, get married and maybe have kids of their own one day and I can't do that if I'm constantly looking over my shoulder in fear. I'm quitting the business,"

"But-" I begin

"Don't take it personally Phina,I'm quitting the business altogether,"

"But how am I going to continue stealing if I don't have any fakes?," I ask in a hushed tone. A smirk crosses his face.

" I have that figured out, don't you worry. If you can pull this one off we'll both be set for life," he answers knowingly,kicking his bag closer to me.Pretending to look at my watch, I pretend I'm in a rush.

"Oh would you look at the time! I've got to go but it was great seeing you Mitch," I say gulping the rest of my coffee and grabbing Mitch's bag which was identical to my own and rush out of the coffee shop,

Once I get home, I go into the kitchen and open the bag.Carefully taking the box out and placing it on the countertop, I open the box.

" Oh Mitch," I mutter in disbelief as I stare at the exact replica of the Crown Jewels sitting in front of me.

It was obvious to me now that Mitch wanted me to steal the Crown Jewels and sell them and that would be his big send off. I stare at the crown for a while and come up with a plan, is it stupid? Yes, is it half assed? Yes, am I still going to do it? Absolutely.Looking at the time I go get ready for work, thinking that in 2days time I'll be getting ready for work in the morning, to steal the Crown Jewels.

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