Chapter 9

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Seraphina's POV
I have been living in New York for 3 months now and I'm in love with this city.

I'm currently in a club with my friend Sophie. I saw an add on Craigslist looking for a roommate and I applied. I showed up to view the place and immediately hit it off with her. So I moved in with Sophie and we became good friends. It was her birthday so we decided to go out to a club.

Music blares in the background as I dance around with Sophie. I'm fond of a boogie, what can I say?

"Hey, I'm going to get a drink!" I yell over the music. She nods and holds my hand as we walk to the bar. I wave down the bartender and order my 11th vodka red bull of the night. I wasn't drunk yet but I was definitely feeling tipsy. I'm built like a tank when it comes to drinking, I can drink anything especially vodka. I have a pretty high tolerance if I do say so myself. Not to boast but I'm no light weight.

"We should do shots!" Sophie yells

"Oh my god yessssss!" I reply excitedly.

She flags down the bartender again and orders 10 shots, five each. The girl's a light weight so I know that I'll have to ease off the booze after because she'll be unable to walk, practically paralytic by the end of the night.

We take our shots, with Sophie pulling a face after every one. I get the urge to pee desperately as Sophie talks up some guy at the bar.

"Soph, Soph!" I get her attention

"I gotta pee!" I tell her

"Want me to come with you?" She asks

"Nah I'm good" I say and I walk off towards the bathroom.

Sitting on the toilet seat after queuing for 15 minutes to get into the damn toilet, I tinkle, wash my hands and begin to fix my hair in the bathroom mirror. I was wearing a black spaghetti for strap body con dress with a pair of gold heels and I straightened my hair, with some light make up. I looked like the sexiest thing to ever walk the earth. But when do I not?

I notice the bathroom was empty and I thought it was strange considering the huge queue I had to wait in. I finish fixing my hair when from around the corner, a figure emerges. My eyes are drawn to his physique, ripped and tones arms adorned with tattoos peak out from under his shirt. This man meant business and could do some serious damage.

"Miss me Seraphina?" The figure questions as I'm hit with the familiar smell of Eros D'Amica. Shit

"Did you listen to me piss?" I ask accusingly.

He looks taken aback by the question before answering.

"No." He answers simply

" yes you did." I say slurring my words a little, feeling the full effect of the alcohol now, god damn my metabolism. He stares at me blankly.

"Do you have a piss kink?" I blurt out

"Did the sound of my piss hitting the water get you off?" I ask

"Are you drunk?" He questions
"Are you?" I question.





"What?" He asks

"Slightly" I admit.

He sighs defeatedly. "Get out." He snaps pointing to the door.

"This is the little girls' room." I state "you get out" I say pointing to the door as the world starts spinning.

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