Chapter 24

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Eros D'Amica's POV

"I'm sorry, so sorry." I whisper as her legs collapse under her. I use my arm that was wrapped around her waist to hold her up.

I injected her with a sedative.

It was never the plan to kiss her, I just neeed to sedate her once she revealed the crown to me and hand her over to Hans, who was going to take her off my hands and imprison her.

I lied to her when I said she would be free if she gave me the crown. I had met up with Hans for breakfast that morning for him to deliver the sedative to me. I had came up with the plan after she sped off with my car.

I couldn't beat her physically in a fight, she was too good. But she's emotionally unstable, I realised this at dinner with in New York so I took advantage of it.

I'm ashamed to say I've began to care for her over the course of the last 5 months. When I saw her in Vegas, bleeding, an anger coursed through my veins and I wanted to kill the person that caused her pain, when I was tending to her wounds I jumped at the chance to feel her skin against mine again. Seraphina Gorga has bewitched me.

She's strong, she's witty and she's smart, she's so smart and she doesn't realise it herself. On top of that she's beautiful, not just her physical appearance but her personality, when she called me from the docks I was already on my way to her due to a tracker I have on my car.

When she told me she was ready to sacrifice her freedom to save those girls, I saw a side of her I didn't know was there, a side she keeps hidden. She's brave and loyal and almost honourable. She protects her own.

I was shocked that she would, honestly I thought she was a selfish whore only looking out for herself. That is when I put my plan into action. I would have saved the girls anyway but when she offered her freedom I jumped at the chance to put her behind bars.

As her eyes finally closed, a single tear falling from her eye, I took this moment to remember the feel of her skin against mine, her lavender scent and how beautiful she looks despite being wounded.

I kiss the top of her forehead, inhaling in her scent before I take out my phone.

"Hans. It's done."

"I got the crown and Gorga."

I pull the phone way from my ear, not wanting to hear his congratulations. This wasn't something I wanted to celebrate.

Maybe she would thrive in prison. She said earlier that, to her, it wasn't such a bad thing. I knew she enjoyed human interaction, solitary would destroy her.

I tried to talk to Hans about it over breakfast, to see if he would even consider putting her in general prison but he was adamant on solitary.

I hang up on him as he tells me that a team will be coming to collect her.

She had made an enemy of Hans. He was sending a team composing of 5 members of the Royal Guard in a van they use to transport prisoners that he called in after breakfast, she also will join her court hearing via video chat from a prison cell, she will have 2 guards permanently stationed outside her cell and no visitation rights.

From what I gathered from Theo back at the palace, Hans was on the verge of loosing his job. Theo explained that Hans went on a security rampage, stationed extra guards everywhere he could and introduce extreme security measures that backfired in his face when an inventory was being taken at the vault.

One of the queen's most trusted advisors was making a list of everything contained in the vault, when she dropped one of the tiaras. The tiara should have smashed but it didn't. It was sent off to the jewellers to check for damage and they discovered that the tiara was a fake aswell as nearly everything in the vault was a fake. They believe Seraphina to have done it.

Hans was summoned to the Royal Council, which is a council made up of 12 of the queen's advisors and the queen herself to settle any ties when voting.  They basically explained to him that if he could not retrieve the crown or catch Seraphina that he would no longer be head of security and be fired with a less than honourable reference for someone who has devoted 12years of his life to the Palace.

Hans was determined to have Seraphina punished.

But now he has Seraphina and the crown, thanks to me. I could probably try convince him to let me visit her in prison one time.

A verifiable swat team show up to the diner in a prison van, fully armed, wearing protective gear. Hans is really scared of this girl, huh?

Theo was amongst them. He looked at he and raised an eyebrow as I held an unconscious Seraphina in my arms but said nothing.

They put a straight jacket on her and shackles on her ankles, she looked all the part of a psychotic killer Hans played her out to be.

They loaded her into the van and Theo came over to speak with me.

"Her face is pretty messed up." He says, staring at her as they locked up the van, referring to the wounds she got in Vegas.

"Yea, someone tried to slit her neck aswell." I say emotionless.

Theo turns to look at me, his eyes wide.

"Shit, did you...?" He looks at me suspiciously.

"What? No. Someone did it to her in Vegas. I would never be that sick." I say disgusted with what he was implying.

"Well you did drug the girl against her will and give her to Hans." He says, trying to explain his reasoning.Theo's the easy going one of the Royal Guard, it was unnerving to see him so serious.

I let it slide and I stand there in silence with Theo.

Theo walks off and climbs into the van and they drive off, leaving me at the diner.

I walk to my Mercedes and climb into the driver's seat. I sit there for a few moments as images of Seraphina's face flashes through my mind, her smiling, laughing, spraying me with coffee out her nose, it was the first time I had heard her genuinely laugh and it was the hardest I had laughed in a while and the look of hurt that crossed her face as she pieced things together.

I have to return to the Palace and I'll be given a new assignment after the court proceedings. I have to testify against Seraphina and give a report of the past 5months I've been chasing her. I did the right thing.

She's a bad person
She stole the Crown Jewels and replaced nearly all the others.
She killed two guards
She's a whore
She's dangerous
It was my duty.

She was an assignment nothing more. Soon I'll move on and forget the entire assignment and it'll be nothing more than a memory.

But can I ever forget her?

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