Chapter 8

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Eros D'Amica's POV

I walk into the briefing room after having my arm checked out by the doctor after the vixen shot me, still mad that I let the bitch get away. With my arm bandaged up I slouch into my seat, relaying the events of this morning.

How did she manage to outsmart the entire Royal Guard?

Hans had called a meeting with all 12 members of the Royal Guard to discuss the situation at hand. We all sat around the large table waiting for Hans.

He storms in, slamming his files on the table.

"What the fuck was that disaster!" He yells at us, his words dripping with anger.

"12 highly trained soldiers taken down BY A TEENAGE GIRL!" He continues.

"I WANT HER FOUND NOW!!" He screams, red in to face, slamming his fist on the table.

"But sir, we don't know anything about her." Theo, one of the other Royal Guards says from where he sat beside me.

"Shut it Theo." Hans snaps, a huge purple vein popping out of his forehead was a clear sign of his anger and the thought of him having a stroke right there and then suddenly crossed my mind. I wouldn't complain if he did drop dead.

"D'Amica, you let her get away, you will be the one to find her." He states, sliding me a file across the table.

I would hardly say it was entirely my fault that Gorga escaped.

"In there you will find everything and anything you could possibly need to catch her, bank accounts, safe houses, fake identities, I don't care what you have to do. Do it." He informs me sternly as I flick through the file half heartedly.

"As you were saying Theo, here is who we're dealing with," Hans says pulling a power point up on the big screen at the front of the briefing room.

This man had time to make a PowerPoint?

"Seraphina Grace Gorga. 19 years old. Popped up on our systems a few years ago when she was arrested for soliciting to some very influential people." Hans reads out.

"If she's nineteen now...- then she would have been arrested when she was a minor." I state as I check the figures in my head.

"I'm glad you've been listening D'Amica." Hans quips sarcastically, trying to end the conversation and failing tragically.

"She shouldn't have been arrested. There's a lot of laws to protect her from prosecution for sexual work- especially if she was underage. Why wasn't she?" I probe further, my interest was peaked as I find myself wanting to know more about this girl.

"She would have been 14 when she was arrested. Why wasn't child services called?" Theo joined in along with a murmur of agreeing hums from the rest of the Royal guard.

"I don't know. You can look into that yourselves if you want but for now, can we please focus on the task at hand!" He snaps

Hans continues,

"Since then she's been arrested multiple times for: grand theft, larceny, assault and public intoxication with multiple drug arrests. We found very little on her background, we know she attended several schools in South and East London from the ages of 6-9 but after that nothing- was never re-enrolled in a school anywhere. But has been seen going in and out of well known clubs owned by the mafia and I highly doubt she's just there for a good time." He sneers sarcastically.

"From surveillance footage we can gauge she's had some form of training, she's lethal in combat, deadly with a knife and highly skilled with guns.On top of that she's smart, not smart enough to get away without being caught, but smart to talk herself out of doing jail time, like she has for all her arrests and somehow avoided jail time." Hans looked at me accusingly while he said that as if I was the one to let her walk free...- I see what he was getting at now. For the record- I didn't let her walk free, the girl scaled down the god damn building under raining gunfire.

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