Chapter 32

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Seraphina's POV

I walk away from the table and into the women's bathroom. I didn't realise I was still holding my sprite until I was in the bathroom. Wtf.

I look for a window and go into the stall with a window above in. I actually did need to pee so I did that first and washed my hands aswell because I'm a clean bitch... sometimes.

I climb out the window and out of the building. I debate for a few seconds if I should steal a new car or I should steal the SUV I drove here in with Theo and he who shall not be named.

I decide to take the SUV, leaving Theo and evil spawn stranded at Mc Donald's, giving me a head start.

I drive past and look in the window where I can see Theo and dickface still sitting in the booth. I keep on driving.

I've got a lot of work to do and not a lot of time to do it.

First stop on the bingo bus. Mitch's house.

I ditch the SUV a few streets away and walk the rest, pulling my hood over my head to avoid getting recognised and the fact that it's pouring rain. You gotta love England.

I walk down Mitch's street and knock on his back door and wait for him to answer.

"Do you want to take any longer old man?" I call out through the letter box flap in his back door as I hear him come down his stairs.


"No it's the FBI, open up!" I shout sarcastically.

"Oh no, kids don't open the door!" He calls out sarcastically, leaving me outside in the rain.

"You old bastard, it's pissing rain, open the door!" I joke. I've missed this man.

He opens the door and engulfs me in a hug, despite me being dripping wet.

"I was so worried..." he says while hugging.

I pull away from the hug and walk into the house.

"I want to know everything." He says, putting the kettle on for tea.

"Well as you know, I got caught stealing the crown. There was a sensor that wasn't deactivated like the rest. It went off and you can pretty much predict the rest. I got caught and escaped."

"That's when you texted me 2 and a half years ago?"

"Yea, after that Hans assigned Eros D'Amica the assignment of hunting me down and retrieving the crown."

Mitch looks shocked at the mention of the ball bag's name.

"Phina, I never would have made the crown if-"

I cut him off.

"It's fine. I don't regret it strangely." I tell him honestly, giving his hand a squeeze.

"So then I ran away to New York where some girl working for D'Amica pretended to be my roommate so that she could steal the crown and D'Amica would distract me long enough for her to do so. Then I killed her and blew up the apartment that we shared." I say taking a sip of my black tea because I couldn't take milk. Lol lactose intolerance is a hoot.

"Did she find the crown?" Mitch asks, hooked on my story.

"No, I hid the crown in the back of D'Amica's car, right in plain sight, knowing he would never think to search there." I tell him proudly.

"Then," I continue " I ran away to Vegas, tried my hand at gambling, went broke and tried to get a job with one of Tanner's old contacts who wanted the crown and ordered his men to beat me up until I told them where it is. One of them tried to slit my throat and held me at gun point then his mum called and he let me go and then he turned out to be involved is sex trafficking but that's irrelevant. I managed to get out of there and decided to run again."

Morally Grey Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora