Chapter 22

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I sit on the bonnet of the car, gun in hand as I wait for Eros to come.

A black Mercedes car pulls up next to me and a furious Eros gets out, slamming the door.

"What are you playing at?" He seethes, still angry from when I stole his car.

"You used to work in undercover forces didn't you?" I ask him, my voice empty of any emotion.

"Yes.Give me my car." He demands

"See that ship right there? It's full of girls, going to Columbia to be sex trafficked by Ivan Yelkov." I say monotonously, pointing at the ship.

"Can you call your contacts and save them?" I ask, looking at him.

He remains silent, looking at me, searching for something.

"I'll let you take me to jail if you free those girls."

He pulls out his phone, walks away and starts making some calls.

He comes back over to me and sits on the bonnet next to me. I sit on my shaky hands.

"They're putting together a team to retrieve the girls when they arrive in Columbia." He says softly.

I hold out my wrists infront of him as my hands stop shaking, waiting to be handcuffed.

"I'm ready to go to jail pretty boy." I say to him, remembering the name I called him when I handcuffed him to the pipe back at the palace when I first stole the crown.

He looks at me with a look on his face I can't decipher. He looks almost.....proud?

"You would give up your freedom for girls you've never met before?" He asks in disbelief.

"Few years ago I was one of those girls," I tell him bluntly.

"A meet up with a client went wrong and I found myself deep in one of the biggest sex trafficking rings in the world. No one ever deserves that, ever. So if it means they'll be saved from what I went through, I'm fine with it." I explain to him, trying to fight back and other panic attack, just thinking of the memories.

"And besides, you need a win. Bring me to prison and you'll be back to being Hans' golden boy in no time." I laugh sadly, lowering my wrists.

"I want the crown, not you. " he continues, an edge to his voice.

"With the crown gone, the royals are starting to think he's not able to do his job, because it never should have been able to happen in the first place."

"I won't give you the crown, I wish I could and be done with this shit show but I won't." I tell him desperately trying to make him understand.

I feel his body tense up besides me.

"You'll get a life sentence, you'll be beaten by the prison guards, treated like an animal and you'll probably be held in solitary confinement, that means no form of human interaction. Are you willing to give up your freedom for that instead of giving up the crown?" He asks exasperated, looking at me frustrated.

"I am." I say trying to sound brave.

He jumps off the car bonnet and runs his hand through his hair as he paces 2 steps away.

"Then you're even more fucking stupid than I thought." He spits out and climbs back into his car.

I watch as he speeds away.

Now, this may be me reading into his words too deep, but did he just say he didn't want me? Ouch. Fuck all men. I'm great. I'm a hoot. I have a dazzling personality. He's the one with the issues. Fuck him, I don't want him either. Him and his fucking cologne and tattoos and nice hair and warm touch. Fuck him. He's got bad energy, he needs a rose quartz, for his energy and not the love thing associated with rose quartz...... I have one in my bra I'll give to him next time I see him.

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