Chapter 38

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Eros D'Amica's POV

That shouldn't have happened.

I watch as she storms out of my office and slams the door behind her.

I sigh as I flop down into my chair. What is so special about this girl? What does she do to me and how can I make it stop?

When I saw her having dinner with another man last night I wanted to rip his head off and then when he was carrying her bridal style, with his disgusting hands all over her.

I knew that she was doing it deliberately to piss me off and I tried to ignore her but she made it very difficult with all the screaming and shouting they were doing.

Then when she came back with a ring on her finger, a small part of me seriously wonders if she was crazy and petty enough to actually get married. She had no ring on her today so I'm assuming she didn't.

There's something about her that I'm drawn to but I can't figure out what.

I tried to ignore her and I tried to push her away. I tried to replace her with Caitlin but she can't even come close to Seraphina.

I should forget about her. Seraphina's trouble. I'm going to marry Caitlin and Seraphina will fade into the background.

But I can't stop thinking about her.

When she broke down infront of me, it hurt, like I was the one in pain. I've never seen her so vulnerable. It was comforting to me that she would show that side of her in front of me for some reason.

I feel even more guilty knowing that prison has traumatised her. I thought that if anyone was going to survive prison it would be her.

Maybe I was wrong?

I begin to flick the diary she threw at me. On the cover was a boy band my sister used to listen to and yet it holds information on some of the most dangerous people in the world. I flick through a few pages, the information isn't that outdated I realise as I continue to flick through.

I come to the end of the book when I notice that there's a page that's been ripped out. I must ask Seraphina about that. 

I can see that it was written on due to the bits of letters that's left on the bit of the page that was still left in the book.

I begin to matchup the phone numbers and locations.

It was smart of Seraphina to think of this. I was at a dead end until she came to me with this plan of hers. I'll have them all matched up by tomorrow.

When I found out that she was Tanner Jacobs' protégé, I have to admit I was shocked. I knew that she had been trained by someone but I never dreamed of it being him. The man was a legend.

I fought him once in Madrid and he put up a good fight. But Seraphina fights completely different to him. Her style is completely different.

When I fought Tanner Jacobs, he was powerful and strong and he had great stamina but he lacked agility, speed, technique and his reflexes were slow, like he was fighting to waste time.

But with Seraphina, she's smart, calculated and fast. Her agility is good aswell as her stamina. She's fighting to survive.

I can never see how the two must've got along. Tanner is a rule follower, Seraphina is a rule breaker. They must've channelled all their anger into fighting each other.

My brother Enzo came to England as a spy for my mother. She thinks I'm in love with someone else, not Caitlin. So she sent Enzo to spy on me, that didn't work out very well for her considering that within hours of being in England Enzo was shot, twice, one in each hand and ended up loosing the tip of his pinky finger on one hand.

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