-Chapter Forty One

Start bij het begin

Justin chuckled wrapping his arms protectively around mine. "I guess we got carried away." Well that's the understatement of the century.

"We understand fully, don't we pookie pie?" The woman asked and the man nodded kissing her cheek.

"Newly weds?" The woman asked and Justin answered with a yes.

"Well have fun." They said and walked away. As soon as they did we both burst out laughing.

"You just couldn't keep your hands to yourself Mr Hudson." I said as we walked over to our towels and dusted the sand off before I folded them neatly.

"I didn't hear you complaining." He said stealing a quick kiss. I didn't complain, did I?

"That's besides the point." I grinned. He opened the trunk of the car and inserted our towels and them closed the trunk.

He came to my door and opened it for me. "Thank you." I said and he did a fake bow before closing the door. I put on my seatbelt and waited for Justin to round up to his side of the driver's seat.

Justin entered and started the car. The sun had already set, only hues of orange, purple and blue  were in the sky making out a beautiful scenery.

If you think watching the sun set is magical, try driving past it with the gorgeous view of the ocean too. The ocean stretched for miles so I had pretty much the same view for fifteen minutes.

I reached back for Justin's hoodie as a chill running through my body reminding me that I was only in a bikini. I struggled to put it over my head due to the seatbelt but finally got it done. I sighed in content and my eyes closed. I heard Justin pressing a few buttons before music blustered out of the speakers. It was a rap song and Justin was about to change but I stopped him.

I tapped along to the song, horribly might I add. I completely sucked at rapping, if anything Gogo said I should stick to singing. I agree but sometimes you here that song you like and even though you know you don't know how to sing, you just sing along. I was having one of those moments.

Justin took quick glance at me from time to time, and he looked amused. When the song was over I turned the volume down a bit.

Justin laced our fingers together and brought my hand to his lips and kissed my knuckles.

"You know I love you, right Candy?"

"Yes and I love you too." I responded with smile.

"Maybe you should stick to singing, ya know? For the sake of my ears at least." He said and I gasped before smacking his thigh.

"How dare you?" I faked a British accent. We came to a stop at the hotel we were currently living in. I passed Justin his shirt and he got out. I went to open my door but like always ge beat me to it. He held out his hand and I grabbed onto his hand and got out.

"Honesty and transparency, remember?"

"The couch didn't seem really transparent to me." I said as I took out all the things we bought before we went to the beach. Justin and I bought everything California. Maybe it was just me but I was excited to be someplace knew and everything looked so interesting and good. It made choosing very hard but I didn't get to choose because I just got everything. A little reckless shopping couldn't hurt anyone.

Justin chuckled at my sarcasm. We walked into the hotel and went straight for the elevator along with another staff member of the hotel.

"You planning on sleeping on the bed alone tonight?" Justin mused.

"Mmm maybe." I answered.

The elevator dinged and the person stepped out leaving us alone. Justin back me up against the elevator mirror.

"Can't I—change your mind?" He said seductively rubbing his hands up and down my arms like I did to him at the beach.

"Mmm... I guess you can try." I said and pressed the stop button. Justin looked shocked. It was a bit daring for me but he made me crave adventure and thrill, and only with him.

"Here?" He asked.

"Here." I said. As soon as confirmation passed out of my lips. He kissed me in a rough feverish kiss.

Before I knew it my bikini was on the elevator floor and I was moaning and screaming Justin's name in pure pleasure and ecstacy.

• • •

We spent two weeks in California before we caught a flight back to New York in time to get to the family vacation which Justin and I had totally forgotten about until yesterday.

The day after the day at the beach Justin went on a business meeting and I explored more of the city. It was much like New York but less populated and more space. So less traffic too.

We were only meant to be in California for the weekend but we decided to make this our honeymoon and spend a full two weeks there. It was absolutely magnificent. On our last week in California Justin hired a luxury cabin next to a private beach. We had late night walks on the beach barefooted and kissed under the stars. Turns out Justin has an interest in stars, he kept pointing to the sky and explaining the different constellations. I hung onto his every word although I couldn't really see the difference, all I saw is stars. He just hypnotized me with the way spoke, he was so engrossed it made him look even more smarter and very very handsome.

In those two weeks we made frequent visits to the beach and did a whole lot surfing. Turns out I wasn't as good as surfing as I used to be but that was okay. I still loved surfing and it could be a hobby instead I've let go of it as a career a long time ago. We also visited a ton of food places and all of them were delicious unless you ordered rabbit food like most of the population in the restaurant. We even went to a party a few nights ago when we bumped into a happy house owner that Justin helped find their dream home. It was fun. As fun last night when we visited a carnival nearby. Oh and I had a lot of sex, everywhere.

Overall I had the best time in California. And we would be going back sometime soon.

Now we had to go on the family vacation. We decided we would let everyone know everything then. We couldn't wait for Tumi's wedding anymore. Lying and keeping this secret was too hard now. I have been avoiding Tumi's calls for two weeks only listening to his voicemails and reading his texts. He freaked out when I said I was in California. And it was understandable. He didn't know Justin so he was concerned about me and my safety. No matter how many times I tried to put his mind at ease he didn't have it. He wanted me back in New York pronto and I didn't want to leave California so therefore I ignored him.

Now we stood outside an overly large mansion designed as a holiday home. It was grand but very homey and no internet access at all. Or any type of technological connection at all. So if we were to get killed our bodies would rot here. Too graphic?

"Come on." Justin dragged me inside. We could here voices of two people screaming at each other and we followed those voices.

"You did a DNA test on our own son without my consent, how does that make sense."

"He just looked so different from anyone in both our families and I had my doubts. Babies get swapped at birth I wanted to make sure I had the right one. And I already feel bad as it is that I even doubted he was my son. I don't need you making it worse." Emerald voiced out.

Justin and I looked at each other so did the rest of the people witnessing the scene. We let each other's hands go and muttered to each other at the same time.

"We'll tell them tomorrow."

Then we both announced our presence.

"Hey everyone."


Candy ✔ (In Editing)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu