"The Meltdown of The Calmest Attorney of The West"

Start from the beginning

Jurists' Chambers

phoenix looked to the jursit in the room, crossing his arms

'This ends the trial for this case. Only the verdict remains to be decided. Defendant Vera Misham is currently in intensive care, If a decision cannot be reached today, it may never be reached, The factors involved are this, Did the defendant poison her father that night, If so, she is guilty. Or was there another reason for Misham's death? Did another person poison him? If so, she is innocent. A panel has been provided for each of you to input your decisions. That is all...'

he said, before he walked out, a woman stood up, lamirour 

'Please... Wait!'

Phoenix looked back at her

'...Yes, Jurist No. 6?'

'There's something in the Jurist's Handbook here: "Persons involved with the case may not be jurists."'

'None of you were involved with the development of the case'

'With the "development of the case"...? I see'

'...Does that answer your concern?'

she said nothing in return, but phoenix took her silence as a yes

;It's time for your verdicts. Make your decision in the case against Vera Misham, Judge wisely and Judge well'

and with that, he left, leaving the jurist alone to make their decision

...And so a verdict was reached on October 9, 2:14 PM. The first verdict under the Jurist System. ..."Innocent", by unanimous decision. The record will show... ...that when the verdict was announced, special witness Kristoph Gavin... laughed. A laugh louder than any ever heard before... or since. A laugh that echoed in the halls of justice, lingering for what seemed like hours. October 10, 8:30 AM, the morning after the trial... In an intensive care ward... a true miracle occurred. Vera Misham opened her eyes.

at the hottie clinic, when vera had opened her eyes, apollo was astonished, his eyes started to water up as he smiled, relieved she would be okay

'Vera!!! I'm so glad, I...'

he choked up in his words, trucy patted his back, comforting him

'Don't cry, Apollo! ...I'm happy, too. And proud. You did well, Apollo. When I thought about... what if Vera... I...'

she started to choke up too, apollo chuckled, rubbing her arm as hw wrapped am around her comfortingly 

'Hey now, don't you start crying, too!'

they both laughed as they sniffled, wiping away or blinking back tears Um... sorry you had to see us like this, vera laid on her bed, staring at them, apollo sniffled


vera then smiled softly at the two, surprising them both

'...Thank you so much. Apollo, thank you'

'No, I'm sorry... I shouldn't have pressed you like that... If... If I hadn't you never would have bitten your nails!'

he knew kristoph said that just to get under his skin, but he couldn't shake the guilt and truth of his words, vera however, shook her head at him

'No... I was wrong. Staying locked inside like that... clinging to my "good luck charm".....When I opened my eyes, and saw you... I finally understood. It's important to be a part of the world... ...to see things with your own eyes'

"...It looks like that poison had some effect after all. It killed off whatever was holding Vera back from life"

Trucy patted his arm ressuringly

'I knew you'd pull through, Vera! I mean, that's what Apollo was fighting for the whole time! Your future!'

Vera put a hand to her chest

;I won't forget it. Here, let me thank you!'

Apollo blushed a tint of red, bashful

'No, really, it's OK'

vera however, sketching a little drawing a trucy, she gasped at the drawing

'Oooh! Look! It's me! I love it! Thanks!'

she then drew apollo, similar as trucy with with a wink instead

'..o=oh uh, t-thanks vera, i like it'

he muttered sheepishly, he didn't expect to have a gift like that

'That reminds me... ...do you know where the other lawyer is...?'

'The other lawyer...?'

he asked

'Oh! You mean Daddy fill in?. 'Cept he's not a lawyer anymore'

Vera eyes looked down at her sketchbook, frowning

'...It's my fault, isn't it? I'm sorry'

Trucy quickly shook her head

'Oh! No, no, no, that's not what I meant...'

Vera held up a hand

'...No, it's OK. I'm through looking away from the things I've done. I hope I can look him in the eyes again someday and apologize'

Apollo smiled reassuringly 

'...I'm sure he'd be happy to hear that'

'He... brought all those things for me... when he came to visit... earlier'

'he did?'

apollo said as he looked through he entire stash of videos, ..huh, ..trucy then suddenly spoke up

'You know, I knew my real daddy was alive'

she said, apollo looked back at her, flasbbergassted

'I was there, seven years ago, remember? I was the one who helped him "vanish" from the courtroom!'

his mouth fell open

'Y-You did wha... How?'

she winked as she tilited her top hot

'I'm not telling! ...He promised me, that day he went away...that he shall return, ...but he never did'

she finished sadly, apollo patted her back

'Oh... Trucy...'

trucy smiled

'It's OK! Phoenix is my daddy now, and he's the best daddy i could ever ask for, and personally, i think he plays piano better then my other daddy'

she said with a giggle, apollo now wanted to hear him play, maybe he'll get the chance too

'...Oh, and I've got you, too! Even if your voice is kinda loud sometimes'

apollo chuckled,

'Glad I made your list'

'Hey! Come to think of it... ...where is Daddy?, Do you know, Apollo?'

'i think he said he had some sort of checkup'

vera then suddenly spoke up

' Oh, Trucy?'

 trucy looked back at her

'Hmm? Yes, Vera?'

'I was wondering... Could you show him to me once more? ...Sir Hat, was it?'

her eyes let up

'Oh, he's not been knighted. ...Yet! Here goes... do us an impersonation, Mr. Hat!'

'...Objection!!! ...Ahem'

said mister hat, apolllo pretend to look deep in thought

'Not loud enough. And I like Ms. Magic Underwear better, anyway'

Trucy pouted but laughed

'That's "Magic Panties", Apollo!'

apollo chuckled, ..maybe having trucy as a younger sister wouldn't be so bad

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