"Phoenix's Plan Revealed"

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'If she ran into any trouble, she'd become nervous... ...and the nail polish would do the rest'

klavier said, apollo nodded

'exactly, His time bombs sat there for seven years. And then... they went off almost simultaneously'

apollo then turned his attention to klavier

'Mr. Gavin! Have you heard a single thing we've said!?'

Kristoph scoffed

'Oh, I listened quite closely to your little tale. Quite an entertaining piece of fiction'

Apollo stared at him in disbelief, he was still denying all of this?!!


'...Klavier. Surely you understand'

Klavier frowned

'...... We're back to the evidence. The lacking evidence. Nothing proves a link between him and the atroquinine that took Drew Misham's life'

apollo stared at them in disbelief 

'What about the restaurant? You killed Zak Gramarye! To keep him from talking!'

'...I killed no man of that name. Read over the report again, if you like. The victim was a traveler by the name of Shadi Smith, about whom we know little else. You can't seriously think I knew he was that particular fugitive...?'

apollo huffed, but wasn't letting up once

'OK, then why did you kill him!?'

he challenged, kristoph simply smiled and tilted his head to the side a little

'...I plead my right to remain silent. Remember, this court did not convene to put me on trial. The defendant's name is "Vera Misham", suspected in the murder of her father. ...My trial's been finished for six months now'

he pointed out, the judge sighed, reluctantly agreeing with kristoph

'Hmm... I'm afraid we have strayed considerably from our purpose here. This court concurs with the witness. It is defendant Vera Misham who is on trial here'

Trucy punched the wooden wall in her outrage, making a bent and crossing her arms angrily, apollo shuddered to see the damage to the wood

"she's definitely got her father's rage, thats' for sure..."

once the judge recovered from his shock at seeing trucy's outrage, he spoke aloud to the court

'As long as there is no evidence to support the accusation against him... ...this course of inquiry cannot find Vera Misham innocent!'


Apollo cried out, no!!, he couldn't let it end here!!

'Your Honor! Phoenix Wright spent seven years collecting this evidence...'


kristoph shook his head, smirking

'...You still don't get it, do you?'

Apollo glared at him, clenching his teeth

'Let us assume there was poison in the nail polish. Who then, was responsible for causing Vera Misham to bite her nails?'

he said, apollo's composure flattered as his words laid into him, ...what?


kristioph simply fixed up his glasses as he stared right into his eyes, his words piercing through him like a needle

'It wasn't me, I know that much. The one who brought that poison to her lips... was you'

apollo stammered on his words, ..w-what is true?, ..d-did he get vera almost killed?!, klavier stared at him, now worried for him now, he could see the conflict in his face, and the guilt rising in him

'..herr forehead'

apollo glanced over at him, Klaver face was as natural as ever, but his eyes held comfort and reasrueance in them, it brought apollo some ease 

'..you should know better then to fall for meaningless words, ..stand tall and pull yourself together

was all he said, apollo looked at him for a moment before he nodded, pulling himself together

"he's right, kristoph is trying to play mind tricks on me!!"

Kristoph ignored their little exchange as he spoke up

'...Evidence is everything. There is nothing more'

the judge nodded in dismay, but he had to perform his duty as a judge

'...I believe this discussion has reached its conclusion'

Apollo looked up at him, panicked

'Y-Your Honor!'

the judge frowned at him

'Mr. Justice... ...you have performed admirably well for a novice attorney, I respect your partner, Phoenix Wright's determination as well, ..you both have immense strength and courage'

'However... ...without direct proof, you have nothing. Isn't that right, Klavier?'

kristoph finished off, klavier stared at him for a moment, before he nodded in agreement

'Unfortunately... yes, Kristoph. You're right. ...That is, you would've been right, until now'


klavier grinned slyly at him

'...Did the news not reach your desk in solitary? The eyes of the nation are on this courtroom today. ...This is the trial case for a new judicial system'

Apollo eyes widened

'...! That's right!  The Jurist System!'

Kristoph stared at the two, confused

'Jurists, you say...?'

'The current judicial system has been deemed too "closed off" from society. This new system attempts to inject the wisdom of common citizens into the law'

Kristoph scoffted, his face twitching with a mix of rage and shock

'Common citizens? Wisdom? Is this some kind of a joke? What could we possibly gain by doing this? Entrusting our judicial system to a mindless, emotional mob of irrational mouth-breathers?'

he cried out in disgust, the judge, however, shook his head at him in disgareement 

'Common citizens have something called "common sense". Common sense is not restricted by the law'

kristoph glared at them all

'Nonsense! There is only room for two in this court: Me, and the law! Keep the riff-raff out! Out, I say!'

the entire courtroom went silent, apollo smirked as he pointed right at the camera

'hey dipshit, They're not in the court, actually. They're watching everything by video camera'

to mock krisotph further, trucy waved at the camera, all smilely and giddy, then flipped kristoph off with her middle finger, kristoph looked at the camera, he began o sweat bullets, his eyes wide with fury, his whole stance turned tense, he knew he was done for now

Klapollo Ace Attorney *Apollo justice*Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora