"Poisoning Vera"

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Apollo nodded

'After Drew Misham was killed, someone paid a visit to this witness's cell. ...Phoenix Wright'

Trucy stared up at him


'That's when he found the stamp. You made Drew Misham write you a letter! That's how you killed him!'


klavier muttered underneath his breathe, he couldn't believe any of this, krisotoph however, smiled as he shook his head in dismay

'My, my. You've upset my poor brother to the point of uselessness. Allow me to clarify this matter, Justice. All you need do is recall witness Spark Brushel's testimony, He was "looking for a stamp". Ergo, he had no intention of using this stamp'

Apollo raised a brow at him

'What are you getting at?'

he demanded

'What I'm arriving at is that this commemorative stamp was in a frame! It was mere coincidence that he used it that night!'

the judge nodded in agreement

'That would... seem to be the case;

'Or perhaps you mean to suggest that I can somehow manipulate coincidence?'

Apollo eyes widen

'He does have a point. How would this witness know if the victim was going to use that stamp? Without that, he couldn't have planned the murder!'

the judge pointed out, apollo immediately went though his notebook, trying to work his brain for any explanation for this, all the while, kristoph eyes his brother, shaking his head at him

'...Really, Klavier. You should be seeing through these weak-spined bluffs by now'

Klavier remained quiet, as apollo was in deep thought

"He's right, though... ...How could anyone have known Mr. Misham would use that stamp that night? Least of all Kristoph Gavin locked away in his cell..."

'Well... ...it seems that the defense has run out of things to say'

the judge said

'You assume he had something to say in the first place. I believe the defense's bluff... has been called'

suddenly, klavier, who had been silent for the entire time, finally spoke u[

'The "defense's bluff"...? I'm not sure I agree with you there... Kristoph'

both apollo and kristoph started at klavier in shock


'...Honestly, I wanted to believe you. But the defense wasn't trying to get away with a bluff. You were, Kristoph!'

he said, the judge eyes widen 

'Wh-What are you saying? ...Prosecutor Gavin!'

Klavier glanced over at apollo, a look fo determination, but pain in his light blue shiny eyes

'...Herr Forehead. What was your accusation again...?'

Apollo blinked, snapping out his daydreaming

'Huh!? Oh, it was that...'

'..."This poisoned stamp killed Drew Misham"... ja? To which my brother responded thusly: "There was no way to know "when" Misham would use the stamp."'

he finished off, apollo nodded as the judge spoke up

'Yes, that's right. Which is why it couldn't have been planned...'

'...Tell me. It needs to be "planned"... why?, 'Why couldn't it have been a "coincidence"? The defense's case is simply that Drew Misham died by that stamp. That's all'


he repeated, more so towards himself, klavier looked to his brother

'Kristoph, you tried to slip out from under his accusation by changing the subject! If that's not bluffing... what is it?'

Kristoph glared at him

'...... What are you up to, Klavier?'

'I could ask you the same question, Kristoph'

he snapped back, kristoph shook his head

'Heh... ...I silenced the defense with the fewest words possible. It's called "efficiency"'

the judge eyes widen in shock

;B-But Mr. Gavin! That's impermissible testimony!'

he cried out, kristoph thought for a moment before he spoke

'...Very well. I shall take his claim head-on, then. ...Justice'

apollo glared up at him, something he learned form Mr wirght


'You accuse me of Drew Misham's murder, yes? Then, allow me to ask you: What possible reason could I have to kill a painter?'

Trucy yanked at his sleeve slightly

'Apollo! Motive! He's talking about a motive!'

she whispered, the judge nodded in agreement

'Hmm... Indeed. It's hard to see how an attorney could come to want to kill a painter'

"Now here's something: why didn't he bring up the motive from the very beginning? ...Unless he was afraid it was a battle he might lose...!"

'So... what does it mean?'

trucy whispered

'...It means there might be a weak spot! Maybe I have some evidence to prove a motive...'

he muttered back, the judge banged his gavel to get the courts attention

'A motive for murder. This is a vital, if not the most vital element in this case. Please consider this when making your statement'

'I'd say it's about... this vital'

klavier stated

"That's... pretty vital"

he thought, the Judge looked over at apollo

'Well, Mr. Justice?'

apollo looked down at his notes for a moment

"I'm going through with this no matter what!"

he nodded to the judge

' ...Understood, Your Honor. I'd like to present evidence'

'Then, let's see what you have for us. What reason did Kristoph Gavin have for wanting to murder Drew Misham?'

apollo scanned though his notes and compared it too the ones Mr wright took and lend to him, this should be good

'Kristoph Gavin's motive becomes clear... ...when we consider why the stamp came to Drew Misham's studio in the first place'

'And why was that?'

he asked

'Forgery, Your Honor. Go back seven years. Drew Misham accepts his first job creating forged evidence'

he said as he took out the fake diary page, the judge squinted his eyes at it, a memory flashed into the back of his head

'I've... seen that before! A page from a diary, wasn't it? Magnifi Gramarye's diary'

kristoph scoffted 

'Ah, when attorney Jousha Poppet lost his badge, yes. ...This was the "evidence" he presented. To his loss'

apollo then spoke up 

'...This evidence is a fake, yes. But did Mr. Wright request the forgery be made? That was never proven!'

Klapollo Ace Attorney *Apollo justice*Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang