his eyes widen

'Wh-What...!? Zak... Gramarye... He wrote this!? What!? He passed everything to his daughter!?, Preposterous! Zak's... Zak is gone! Vanished into the void!'

'This is the genuine article, Zak was alive when he wrote this. Both myself and the notary can testify to this'

he confessed, valant gritted his teeth as he cried out in despiair

'Unh.................. Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaugh!, Why... Why does Fate toy with me so!? Why must my life be lived in thrall to the dead!?, But he shot Magnifi! Yes! It was Zak! It was! And then he left... and my career as a magician fell into darkness...'

'you thought there might've be some way out of it?, if you could prove Zak Gramarye shot Magnifi,  that why you testified wasn't it?'

'Yes! My way out... It should have been my way out!'

he admitted, phoenix however, took out another document, zak's confession

'Gramarye wrote one more thing before passing on'

Valant read it

'This... But this is a confession!'

'he admitted to the killing of Magnifi Gramarye, right here, all according to your plan'

Valant blinked, struggling to find the words

'...... I am... a magician by trade. Deception is my life's work. I fool the audience, give them a fleeting dream... ...... Yet, it seems the tables have turned. Now I am the audience, believing in the deceptions I have wrought upon myself'

'Gramarye wrote it in front of me, after I explained your situation to him'

his eyes widen as his mouth fell opening shock

'...Allaka... Allakazooooooooooooomg!'

he cried out, their was a moment of silence before valant spoke up again

'...You do know that this "confession" is nothing but lies?'

phoenix fixed him with a look

'you really think I'm that fucking stupid?, i don't buy any of this bullshit, Gramarye killed no one'

'Then you must be thinking the truth is a simple matter of elimination. Two received instructions to kill, but if one is innocent? Then the one who remains is guilty'

'that would be the logical conclusion'

he agreed upon

'So he vanished to protect me, his partner... Ha ha ha ha ha ha!!! A stirring tale, 'tis true'

phoenix glared at him

'you shoot Magnifi Gramarye in the forehead'

Valant didn't look panicked and even angry, he looked melancholy, defeated, and worn out

'...If I had, and I told you, what would you do? Run to the police, perchance? ...Do as you will. There is nothing left for me now

Phoenix said nothing, letting valant talk

'...It is true, after all. I have little talent. I needed my mentor Magnifi's repertoire. ...It was, as if a little demon grabbed hold of me...'

the facts pointed to valant shooting him, however phoenix had his gut feeling that this wasn't over yet, valant seemed to sense this and started to laugh:

'Heh. Heh heh heh... ...Ha ha ha ha ha!!! So sorry, Mr. Wright. But it was not I who shot my mentor'

Phoenix figured

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