"The Gramarye Secret"

Start from the beginning

'the man i just showed you owns one'

his eyes widen as his mouth slightly feel open

'What...!? So... that's why, ....i-I took this photograph of Thalassa before she left us. When she returned... ...she wore only one bracelet, She gave it to this boy. ...Her son'

he nodded, zak ran his fingers though the back of his head

'This strange "power"... I myself do not know from where it comes. Yet, the fact is that it is passed down the Gramarye line. It runs in their veins'

'What is it?'

'I asked her... Thalassa, once. This is what she told me. Her power responds to "tension" in others, If she were to face a person, and they became tense, even slightly... ...then she would know, no matter how hard they tried to hide it from her'

'..so she could look into a person directly?'

'Not quite. This is the strangest part of it all. She wouldn't realize that she was subconsciously detecting this tension... ...without the use of a particular "object", or, in her case, "objects"'

he nodded

'the bracelets'


phoenix glanced at him as he crossed his arms, zak sighed as he spoke up

'...Mr. Wright. Tonight, after our game is done... ...I will return to a life of hiding, I would not see her live her life without knowing...'

he trailed off, but phoenix understood, he didn't need to finish 

'...I'll tell the two of them'

he said, zak looked at him, and put a hand to his chest

'I... am in your debt. Once again'

'...your not n my debt for taking in trucy, your in my debt for what you did to joshua poppet'

'..yes, i suppose i am, well ...That is all I know of things Gramarye'

phoenx nodded, he was satisfied with what he had

'If this boy's bracelet is the real thing, then he will use it before long. Thereby awakening his power'

'...I'll keep that in mind'

'Ah... I've said so much. Let me say one more thing. ...I will tell you of that night, The night my mentor, Magnifi Gramarye, passed from this world to the next'

Phoenix raised a brow at him

'i'm listening'

'There were two pistols, and two letters sent. This... was Magnifi's "test", In his last years, Magnifi Gramarye worked us to the bone... No. To the pain. But that night, I could not shoot him. ...So I shot the clown's forehead instead. This, it seems, was the correct "answer"'

'...magnifi  wanted you to be his successor from the start, That's why the time he gave you was earlier than Valant's'

zak shrugged

'...Perhaps. But it is not something we will ever know for sure now. I wonder... What is Valant up to these days?'

'Waiting for you to die, If seven years pass like this, the performance rights go to him'

'...Ahh. And now here I am... and his dream is ended'

'actually, It's worse than that, the public opinion believes he's the one who killed magnifi'

zak eyes widen

'What...? You don't mean to tell me they've put the blame for our mentor's death on... him?

'The trial ended when you vanished, There were rumors that Valant had helped you pull it off'

Zak stared at him in disbelief 

'But that's madness! ...... Well. It seems that before I can once again disappear from this world... ...I have one more act to perform'

Phoenix started at him

'...Isn't it odd that sorting out my life should prove so complicated... ...even though I'm "dead"?'

Present Day Now


apollo yelled out, phoenix winced as he held onto his ears, he had forgotten about his cords of steel, apollo apologized but was still in such a shock, trucy and him, shared the same mother?!!

'..i honestly didn't know how to tell either of you, ..it was an awkward position to be in, since you are my co-worker'

he admitted, apollo just nodded, trying to process all of this, this was crazy, to think him and trucy were related

'..I'm sorry for keeping this from you for so long apollo, you deserved to know earlier, but the timing was not right'

to be honest, apollo wasn't upset he didn't know, he wasn't upset at Mr wright, ..he wasn't sure on how to feel about any of this

'..apollo, you okay, do you need a minute?'

he asked, a bit worried,  apollo shook his head as he sat down back on the chair

'..i-i'm fine, i-it's just such a shock is all'

'..let's take a brea-'


apollo cried out

'no, i-i want to hear more'

'...are you sure?'

he asked, apollo nodded, determined, phoenix glanced at him for a moment, then flipped a page in his notebook, continuing talking about his own investigation

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