20 - Risky Operation

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I shook my head

    'no, no I don't under.... no...why are you telling me this now.. I didn't know.. I didn't even suspect anything?'

    'Because when you walk out of here you will figure that out soon enough considering you know about Jimin.'

He sat on the chair next to me

     'and I guess I don't want to lie to you anymore. I want you to know everything about me. '

    'When I walk out of here? you're going to act as if you're not going to kill me?'

    'y/n, I haven't lied about how I felt ever since the academy. I'd rather go to jail than kill you.'

He had this smile 'It's actually the only thing I didn't anticipate. I mean the fact Jimin would get promoted and I would have to step up in his place. and the fact I got selected to be in the team. Of course I knew you were part of that team but it was never my intention to be part of it.'

    'So if you're not killing me, are you going to keep me locked up forever? That is madness Jungkook.'

    'No of course not, I want you to join us.' he stated it so calmly, as if it was the most normal proposition ever. I stared at him dumbfounded.

   'You're insane'

Jungkook sighed. 'No I really am not, let me explain to why we are doing this.'

I kept silent, because he was basically going to tell me and in that way answer questions I had stuck in my head ever since Jin died and I became obsessed with this group. Jungkook took my silence as a an okay and continued

     'I worked for a bank before, right after I graduated from the academy. I moved to Busan and worked there for a while. One day there was an "incident", and they they blamed me for this cyberattack. saying I didn't do my work right, that I might even be in on it.'

Jungkook scoffed 'I worked my ass off for some lame wage, while some people received millions and millions worth of bonuses for what? bossing people around? It didn't make any sense. but they insisted I pay them the money back. They said they were nice and it would be a loan, so I had more time. you know it was almost 300 thousand dollars. How the hell do they think I can pay that back? and what the hell for? it wasn't me who did it. They took my parents house as a loan, can you imagine?'

'and then I remembered your words from the academy The "strong" assholes will always prey on the nice people. and I had enough, so I thought of a group of people to take money from the institutions that take money from the regular people while filling the pockets of all the wrong ones.'

'I soon met V and Jimin. they lived together in this crappy apartment. Jimin was a cop so that was tricky but I met him when the thing with his dad was quite recent so he didn't believe in the police anymore, and V had the same ideals to begin with. Actually it was perfect because Jimin could easily infiltrate the anti-robbery squad which helped a lot.'

He gazed at me, waiting for any sort of response.

     'I know there are others' I let out because in the most recent bank robbery there were two guys, and considering Jungkook was in my van and Jimin was back at the station, there had to be another one next to that V guy. at least.. and then there was also the one that got kicked out. 

Jungkook smiled

     'of course you do, you were always perceptive y/n, but as you can imagine, I am not going tell you. Not until I know you will join us.'

I balled my hands 'who killed my best friend?'

    'What?' Jungkook's face turned into shock.

I scoffed 'oh don't act like you don't know, I told Jimin so I'm sure he told you.'

    'He didn't actually' Jungkook scoffed as well 'you know we had a fight over you, so I guess the little bastard kept this secret to himself out of jealousy'

   'I don't give a fuck about your fights nor about your jealousy, Who killed my friend? I know your robberies, nobody ever gets killed except for Jin, Jimin told me you kicked the killer out of the group. so who was it?'

Jungkook stared at me without saying anything. As he was contemplating on whether to tell me or not. 


Jungkook pov

    'You fucking shot her? what the fuck Jimin' I shouted at him.

    'It wasn't as if I wanted to shoot her, but there was no other choice'


Taehyung in the meantime sat on a stool in the corner enjoying his strawberries, but now he interrupted

    'Why are you so worked up over this Jungkook?'

    'because he has feelings for her' Jimin scoffed

     'pff I have no idea what you are talking about' I said in harsh tone, ofcourse it was the truth, I knew and y/n knew it but I wasn't interested in them knowing it as well.

    'oh don't make me laugh Jungkook, the way you follow her around with your puppy eyes. but what will she think of you if she knew you were actually the mastermind behind all of this?'

    'Shut up Jimin' I raised my voice and pushed him

Jimin pushed me back 'you know.. I slept with her because I love her' 

I now punched him full in his face, out of anger but mainly out of jealousy. I had no idea that that happened.

Taehyung stood in between us

     'okay who the fuck is this girl...' he shook his head 'no you know what I don't give a shit.. She can be the queen for all I care.. you two need to get your shit together... we need to think about what to do.. as soon as the girl awakes and she spills your name we will have to stop our practice and we will probably have to run the rest of our lives.'

Both me and Jimin were fuming, the ache in my body knowing that they had slept together was very much present. but I had no time to dwell on that now.

We needed a plan.

Jimin and Taehyung stared at me, as I was always the man with the plan. 

The thing was that I really loved y/n for years now, ever since the academy, so any plan involving in killing her or even putting her life in danger was not something I considered.

    'We kidnap her'


I quickly started to explain my plan in more detail.

    'I will go to the hospital as her partner. The other team members suspect something is happening between us anyways'

Jimin looked away annoyed.

   'I will indicate I will take the watch, I will make it dramatic if they don't agree. then Taehyung, you have to come in and put in some tranquilizer in me. '

   'what?' Taehyung asked shocked

    'To make sure I am not suspected you need to take me out like that.'

   'then together with hoseok you will take y/n.'

Jimin and Taehyung exchanged a look. 

    'I will call Hoseok right away' I indicated but as I took my phone Jimin spoke

   'What about me?'

   'You will go to the police station, act all worried because you saw y/n get shot. You will scroll through her notes and take anything that has led her to us. but you will of course act as if you want to go after the guys.'

    'It's a risky operation Jungkook.' Taehyung stated 'it's safer to get rid of her'

   'No!' it were both me and Jimin who protested at the same time.

Taehyung rolled his eyes 

    'fine whatever, let's go with this insane plan and see if it works out. Otherwise, I guess I'll see you all in jail.'

Caught In The Middle | Jimin & Jungkook x ReaderTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang