35 - Group Meeting

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y/n pov

On Saturday Jungkook had asked me to come to a certain address, I was invited, or better said he had given me a note, I guess he didn't even trust his own devices. Though he was like that since the academy, I guess working in hacking shows you just how much information can be found via your own mobile devices.

I had to admit that being here in the middle of nowhere was partly intriguing as it felt like an adventure, but also a bit nerve wrecking as I didn't know anything about this meeting. Jungkook had also been clear that I should be very attentive on whether I was followed.

He didn't specify by whom but it wasn't needed to specify it. Namjoon was suspicious of me so who knows how far he'd go in further investigating me.

 I finally arrived at the house, it was an old farm. I was pretty curious of how he found such a place to begin with. I knocked on the door and soon after it was opened by Jungkook himself.

    'hey y/n thank you for coming.'

     'no problem' I said while stepping in. I appeared to have arrived as second because Hoseok was already there.

    'hey y/n nice to see you again!' he said with a smile.

I couldn't help but smile as well. If I could I'd probably carry this guy around in my pocket because he really was a little bowl of happiness.

     'Hi Hoseok, how have you been?'

     'I've been good, enjoying life as always. what about you?'

I couldn't help but notice that Jungkook's gaze turned to me as well,

hmm yes how have you been y/n?, other than putting a knife at my crushes throat, I'm perfectly fine thank you.

     'I am fine.' I let out curtly. 

     'Do you want to play a game in the meantime?' he suggested happily while getting something out of his bag. I was rather stunned by this proposal but on the other hand,

What else would I do?

There was another knock on the door but I was too focused on my game with Hoseok that I didn't notice. Jungkook however did, and he opened the door.

Taehyung and Jimin entered the house, I turned my head and I was kind of uncertain on how to greet Jimin. Luckily for me he initiated the first contact.

   'y/n, it's good to see you again.'

    'you too Jimin.' I replied with a soft smile.

    'ah you're here' was the only reaction I got from Taehyung

    'nice to see you as well Taehyung.' I answered passive aggressively, which received a scoff from his side.

They both hugged hoseok. 

      'so everyone is here.' Jungkook started, it was clear that this was the moment that chit chat was over.

    'You must be wondering why I asked you all to come here. So the thing is that we already postponed the next robbery, but I want to urge you all to be careful the coming time. The new detective has a clear suspicion on y/n and Jimin. He is also considering a lot of other scenarios so I am not convinced yet its a real threat but still if we give him anything. He will focus solely on us.'

Everyone nodded in understanding, because let's be honest especially me, Jimin and Jungkook knew this Namjoon guy was different.

    'but when do you think we might be able to go through with the next robbery?' Taehyung asked, but he wasn't sassy or aggressive, he was just asking in an informative manner.

Caught In The Middle | Jimin & Jungkook x ReaderWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt