21 - What Did You Do

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Present Time

y/n pov

   'I am really sorry about your friend y/n'

Jungkook's tone changed drastically, it was soft and with sincere sympathy and apologetic.

     'You need to believe me when I say that the last thing I wanted was to hurt you. or hurt anyone for that matter. I trained them personally in what to do before actually using the gun. We have those protocols but it was this one time that it went wrong.'

A tear rolled down my cheek, and Jungkook leaned forwards to wipe it away.

    'if that's the truth, then tell me who it was'

Jungkook sighed deeply

   'it was Jaehyun'

    'and where is this Jaehyun ?

    'he is dead...'

There was a short pause ..

    'When we kicked him out, because he broke our most important rule of no killing, he thought he could continue by himself. He did a robbery in downtown, and uhmm.... your colleague shot him' 

My world froze, I remember that day. It isn't often we actually shoot people, and very seldom these people die. yet this guy did. Seojun was quite shaken up from it, he took a week of leave.

No that would mean all this time I was looking for a ghost.

I looked suspiciously at Jungkook  

     'That's convenient, we can't prosecute a dead guy.'

Jungkook tensed up and balled his hands 'convenient? he died. He was my friend, and he made a mistake which he now paid for with his life. You think this is convenience? This is a real person'

I was taken aback by this outburst and the weird thing was that I wanted to comfort him, it seemed he was really hurt by it.

No this friend of his murdered jin. 

I looked away while balling my hands.

     'Like I said I am really sorry about your friend, and I don't know if Jaehyuns death is some form of justice but at least now you know.'

Tears rolled down my cheeks again. After years of obsessing over this I knew who it was, only to find out he had been dead for some time.

Jungkook came closer again, wiping the tears from my face. In a way I wanted to be angry tell him not to touch me but I couldn't. because in this time I needed that comfort and he had that power to give it.

He took a key from his pocket.

   'What are you doing?'

     'I will unlock one of these so you can move around a bit more.'

He did indeed free my left hand and I launched myself forwards and slapped Jungkook. It hurt like hell because of the wound in my left shoulder

     'That is for deceiving me all this time.'

He stared blankly at me and then looked down sad.

without saying anything he got upand left. 

I sighed deeply. I must be the worst police officer in the history of police officers. My main objective to join the anti-robbery squad was to catch this particular group and while in the meantime two of those group members were part of my team. and even worse I had been more than collegial with both of them. I actually did have real feelings for both of them.

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