2 - Friday Night Flashback

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Jungkook looked so different than during the academy but he still looked very shy as he hesitantly moved our way. His glasses were the same, as well as his big black backpack on his back. but different as in way more muscular and buffed. the scrawny kid made place for this strong built man.

      'Hi everyone I am Jeon Jungkook, nice to meet you' he said in a shy voice and his eyes lowered.

      'Welcome to the team Jungkook' Gina answered and he looked up at her with a smile, then his eyes landed on me

       'hey y/n' he added and everyone turned their eyes to me

       'You two know each other?' Mr Min asked,

I nodded in response 'yes we were in the same class in the academy.' 

Mr Min clapped his hands together

     'That's great, y/n you can be Jungkook's buddy for his first weeks alright? Take him under your wing.'

      'yes sure sir, of course' I replied a bit embarrassed, Jungkook gave me his typical bunny smile. My heartbeat increased a little, it was rather childish, but during the academy I developed a crush on him.

Jungkook eventually decided not to join the police in the end and moved away, that's how we lost contact and my crush disappeared.

but here he was again.

What a timing 

Time flew by as I showed Jungkook around and soon it was time for lunch. We arrived in the cafeteria, the whole team together and we immediately claimed one of the free tables. I had ordered some chicken and rice, and eventually we all started eating.

The majority of the time was spend on the team firing questions at Jungkook. It had been a while since we had a new team member, and it was also partly to make Jungkook feel at ease.

While listening to Jungkook uncomfortably answering most questions I looked around the room, knowing exactly who I was searching for. And not much later I saw him. My heart skipped a beat when I saw Jimin approaching.

and it seemed I wasn't the only one who noticed

   'hey Jimin, do you want to join our table?' Dong-Min shouted at him

Jimin looked at me and was aboutto shake his headbut Dong-Min got up and dragged him to our table

      'I know it's the first day in the new team but I heard they are on patrol today anyways so whatever.'

    'This is Jungkook, he is our new team member.'

Jungkook eyes diverted down again.

      'Nice to meet you, I am Jimin' Jimin's tone wasn't super welcoming, but then again that wasn't really his nature to begin with. Jungkook slowly looked up to meet Jimin's unbothered eyes

       'Nice to meet you too' he brought his glasses back in place with the tip of his finger.

There was an awkward short silence

     'Hey! Friday was a great dinner and going to the club was the best idea!' Gina said excitedly to break the silence.

I couldn't stop myself from looking at Jimin and that is when our eyes met, we both quickly looked away. I stuffed my mouth with another spoon of rice.


I was at the bar, in line to order another drink. perhaps it wasn't the wisest decision as our entire group was pretty much under influence but in my case I felt like I needed it. 

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