9 - Her Motive

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       'No I'm good thanks Jim' I didn't look up from my papers while saying it.

       'You need to eat at some point, humor me y/n, I'll even pay.'

I chuckled and then sighed. I wasn't eager to drop the work, but I did need to eat something. I wasn't entirely sharp and productive anymore anyways. It was just very hard to let go off this case.

     'Fine, I'll order the most expensive thing then' I answered as a joke and I could see the corners of Jimin's mouth curl up just a little bit

      'Is that a smile sir?' I asked jokingly

Jimin now fully smiled and it made my stomach flutter like crazy

      'How funny you are y/n.'

      'I know right.' I replied while getting up.

      'Okay let's go then.' I indicated 'where do you want to eat'

      'The sushi restaurant at the end of the street.'

      'ohgoing fancy noware we?' He asked and I playfully hit him 'only the best Jim when you pay.' 

We arrived at the restaurant and Jimin drove. luckily there was still a table free for us.

The waiter soon came to take our order and I indicated some sushi dishes I wanted. Jimin agreed to everything so that made it easy.

      'and would you like some wine with that?' the waiter asked  'I recommend this wine' he said while pointing at the menu in which a certain wine was described.

    'Not me thank you, I have to drive' Jimin indicated

     'Perhaps your girlfriend?' the waiter asked

I also shook my head 'oh I am not his girlfriend, but no thank you for me neither, a water is fine' I replied and Jimin looked suspiciously at me. It was maybe one of the very few times I didn't take a drink at dinner so perhaps he was wondering why that was.

The reason was because I knew I would return to work after dinner, but he didn't need to know that

     'You're not going back to work right after this dinner, are you?'

Damn was he some kind of mind reader or what?

I looked away from Jimin's intense gaze, it was as if I almost feared he could actually read my mind, as if he could look into my soul through those gorgeous eyes.

He then sighed 'y/n, tomorrow is another day'

      'yes, but you know this case is an exception.'

He shook his head disapprovingly   

     'Whatever, just tell me about your new team. we haven't really talked' I said

      'It's nice but I miss yo..' he stopped while his eyes widened 'the old team'

It might be the setting of the light in this restaurant but I was pretty sure he was blushing.

     'Yes we miss you too. but uhm like what cases are you mainly working on?'

The food arrived at that moment and we started eating while Jimin told me everything about how his days were filled and how he was doing in his new team. It was actually really comfortable, and it was nice to spend time with him again, just the two of us I mean. 

After we were done we left the restaurant and walked into the streets.

     'Look a cat!' I said and I bent down as it approached us but it passed me and stopped in front of Jimin who now also bent down. He laughed at me 'seems this cat likes me more' he caressed the cat and I stood up a bit surprised

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