34 - Complicated Timeline

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Another week passed and Namjoon didn't bother me anymore. It did seem he was all the time going over papers and he was investigating something separately from the rest. So probably the robbery gang. The situation between me and Jungkook was probably at its lowest point. Not that strange considering I held a knife to his throat.

The thing was that every time I saw him my heart clenched, he looked so sad. He acted cheery, especially for Namjoon who still had to believe we were both over the moon because we were in a happy relationship. but I detected those small things indicating that Jungkook was in fact sad. 

All I wanted to do every time I saw him was throw my hands around him and hug him until he would genuinely smile again. I was aware that this was all a bit contradicting but that was the way I was feeling. I guess I had arrived at the acceptance stage, it wasn't Jungkook who killed Jin, he had tried everything to avoid anyone getting hurt yet it happened. 

At the start of the following week I was again met by Namjoon, who waited for me at my desk.

     'Good morning y/n' he greeted me with a smile.

I internally rolled my eyes, him being at my desk in the morning would probably not be such a good morning for me.

     'hi namjoon. What can I do for you today?' I asked politely.

      'If you have some time I'd like to talk to you about all your research on that robbery gang.'

      'I suppose you already talked to my supervisor?'

Namjoon had a little smile this time 'you are correct.'

     'sure let's go.' I answered and again I followed him into one of the available rooms. 

     'So I was going over the time you found the hiding place of one of the members'

      'you mean when I got shot?' I answered. I knew I wasn't being too subtle anymore but I guess I also wanted him to know I was a bit annoyed.

      'yes that time. So from what I read is that your colleague Park Jimin was there with you.'

Oh no where was this going?

     'That is correct.'

       'It was his gun that inflicted the wound in your shoulder correct?'

       'yes, the other guy saw us coming and overpowered Jimin. He took the gun and as I aimed mine he shot me.'

       'yes that is indeed what I read in your previous statement.'

       'so is there anything you wish to know in addition to that?' I asked 

Namjoon stared at me and perhaps he deliberately let a silence fall. It felt like forever until he spoke again.

     'Don't you find it striking that he immediately followed you?'

This was about Jimin

      'he used to be my partner' I replied in a monotone way

      'Yes used to be. Did he at any point ask you to stop the pursuit?'

I tried to keep my poker face as much as possible. The memories of that day filled my mind, how he told me we should head back, or how we couldn't kick in the door without a warrant. He had tried to stop me and eventually shot me to stop me.

but none of that was somethingthat Namjoon could know. 

I shook my head

    'No he helped me kick in the door.'

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