31 - Suspicious

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I quickly resumed my way to my own desk but the news of this new detective was surely stirring things up. I guess Jungkook would have calculated it in his plan that a new person would be hired in my place but still you can never know what kind of person.

The entire day my mind was occupied with this new guy. He was tall and handsome, but foremost he looked so intelligent. That was something that worried me.

At the end of the day I saw Jungkook leave and I followed him outside, I grabbed his arm to stop him. I looked around to make sure nobody was around.

'is he going to be a problem?' I asked in a low voice.

Jungkook shook his head lightly.

    'I am not sure yet.' 

Three weeks passed, meaning that Jimin had left the police force. We had a small gathering to say goodbye. I had to admit it was weird not having him around. He was always there, and now he wasn't.

but considering that since our talk on the roof he had avoided me, perhaps this was better. not seeing him instead of seeing how he tried not to see me,

In general it seemed everything was alright, no big shake ups yet because of this new arrival. Jungkook was still preparing his next heist which would take place very soon. He didn't tell me everything in detail.

We didn't talk that much to begin with so. And honestly I also didn't want to know. The less I knew the better.

Besides, it wasn't entirely a bad idea to have some time by myself, not focusing on my feelings for anyone for that matter. Instead I could focus on getting back on my feet, dealing with my internal battles for now. 

Another week started and this time, when I walked to my desk, I was met by the new guy.

What was he doing at my desk?

     'y/n, my name is Kim Namjoon and I would like to have a talk with you about the time in which you were kidnapped.'

     'yes of course, what time?'

     'Now?' Namjoon suggested and it took me a bit by surprise, this sudden hurry or something.

    'yes sure, I'll just tell my superior I will be gone for a little while.'

     'no worries I already asked him and he was fine with it.'

I raised my eyebrow, who was this guy?

Eventually we sat in one of the rooms that was still available. Or I guess this guy reserved the room as he seemed to be so organised and prepared.

     'So y/n thank you first of all for your time. I am aware you already told your story, which I also read in detail in your file. However, I would like to hear it again from you.' 

There was a pause. 

My time to talk

      'yes ofcourse' I indicated and started the same story all over again. The same way I told Gina. I changed some wording because it would be a bit suspicious if I told the exact same story again.'

Namjoon stared at me intensely, as if he was trying to read my face. Catch me in a lie.

He listened attentively to every lie I basically told him. I was hoping, no praying that he would believe me.

When we thought of this plan and this story, we thought about selling the story to Gina, who was already attached to me so she'd be more inclined to trust me. That argument didn't apply to this guy. He didn't know me. For all he knew I could be a demon sent from hell.

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