16 - Breakthrough

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Weeks passed again and me and Jungkook as discussed wouldn't date. But we had moments in which we for example climbed together and overall I think we were a lot closer than before. I would sometimes openly flirt with him, not in front of the team but when we were send together for field work or something.

To be very honest I was feeling a lot happier than before. Though it was still hard to see Jimin at work, it wasn't as if those feelings vanished just like that but it didn't occupy my mind anymore. It was as if Jungkook sneaked his way in.

The other thing was that it seemed the team lost interest in the robbery gang. I mean they were always one of the priorities but other robberies happen as well. and we had zero leads on those gang. and keeping motivation high when you couldn't find any sort of clue was hard.

but not me

I had a special motivator and therefore again, I couldn't stop myself from staying longer, working overtime to discover any sort of lead. I was scanning through the camera images of the last robbery.

There must be countless cars I scanned. I had been doing this everyday after work for over a week. some cars I had inspected multiple times.

I sighed annoyed.

No they were driving here somewhere

in this time,

in this area.

It was the best lead I had to anything, the best hope to find them.

Then my eye fell on a picture

Wait that car

I zoomed in

I must have seen most of these cars multiple times the past weeks to see if anything stood out. but now I saw a black hoodie on the backseat and something that looked like the mask. It was unclear so it could easily be something else but I had this feeling.

I quickly scanned the license plate.

I then checked the person and soon figured out he reported his car as stolen not too long again.

I slammed my hand on the table

Was this again a dead end? 

I shook my head

No I will follow where that car went through the camera's . It took another three hours to check every image and until there was a dead end;

Eventually there wasn't one available anymore but I did have a very very small surface left I had to check. I decided to go home and sleep early, so that tomorrow morning I'd start early.

What would be the best way to tackle this though?

I would reserve a private workplace, so that I can just work by myself. I would only bother telling the team if there was anything to mention.

Perhaps I could just go to the area and see if I find the car, or ask around

no. that's a stupid idea y/n, what if the robbers see you? They would definitely leave and you're back at square one.

I could call shops in the area. I already saw there were some shops around. It was outside of a real neighborhood. with these buildings scattered around.

That was a better way. the chances of them finding out were very small, unless they were working at those

but no, robbers like this move around more often and considering these guys I was pretty confident they moved around regularly.

no, this was my best shot.

The following day I arrived early and continued my investigation. Hours passed so quickly and after around 11 calls I became desperate. Nobody knew anything. Maybe I was wrong. I sighed and called the number of a cafe.. I asked the barista about anything suspicious. My tone was not very hopeful anymore until;

     'actually.. ' the girl answered 

My body filled up with hope

     'a few weeks ago a young man moved into a house in the beginning of this street. It used to belong to this elderly man who came here every morning for coffee. That man died, but the thing is.. the house is very decayed and I don't think they have put it on the market yet. So this young guy might be staying there illegally. I didn't report it because I am obviously not sure about it. perhaps the family knows someone is staying there. but yeah.'

I immediately asked about the car, whether she saw it.

    'oh yes that seems to describe the car I have seen parked in this street.'

     'Could you step out for a second and check the plate number?' I asked

     'uhm sure'

She told me plate numbers and it was different, but then again that's not unexpected after a robbery. It made it even more suspicious. I asked for the exact address and then thanked her. 

After ending the call I stared ahead. My heart was going crazy, after all these hours. No months, years.

Was this finally the breakthrough I was looking for?

There was a knock on the door. and Gina opened up

   'y/n, we are going for lunch, are you joining?'

In that moment I was considering to tell her about my findings, but on the other hand something inside me didn't want to.

    'no it's fine I have some work to finish up. I will join later alright?'

     'yes sure y/n' Gina replied and she closed the door again.

I thought about asking Jungkook to join me, because let's be frank it was pretty dangerous. What if I actually find them? I shook my head

No, I would go by myself.. this was too important, and speed was a necessity right now. I couldn't spend time explaining it to him. I would just go by myself, it's only following up leads anyway. 

Jimin pov

My old team entered the cafeteria and to my surprise everyone was there except for y/n. They, as what now became a habit, approached our table.

    'Can we join?' Gina asked

     'sure' Taemin, my team leader, answered. Gina sat down next besides me.

     'uhm where is y/n?' I asked in a low voice so that only Gina heard it, but I saw Jungkook look up as I mentioned her name.

     'She has been working on something and wanted to finish that up, she said she will join in a minute.'

I stared ahead, the images of her bedroom wall entering my mind. her obsession with this case. She had been here early in the morning already.

What was she after? 

She needed to eat though, this girl had the worst eating habits.

A lost cause indeed.

The memory of that morning entered my mind again, how happy I felt. Even though it was for only a very short duration.

Then a worry for her filled my body, I couldn't really explain it.

Suddenly I stood up 'I will see if she is ready to join us' I indicated. Everyone looked a bit surprised by my sudden course of action but many nodded firmly. When I arrived at the little office she had been working this morning the door was opened and there was nobody inside.

y/n was gone. Where the hell did she go by herself? 

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