26 - The Plan

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Jimin glanced shortly at me while the Tae guy gave me again a look as if I had stolen his favorite snack or something.

They both sat down again and looked at Jungkook in anticipation. He cleared his throat and looked around the room.

    'So the plan is that later tonight, around midnight, we will go with a van to the hospital and we push y/n out...'

Jimin turned his gaze at me

   'You are okay with this? It can hurt with your wound to go through that.'

I couldn't help but notice how Taehyung rolled his eyes in the most extravagant way.

I was grateful for Jimin's concern so I softly smiled and nodded

    'I actually thought of that specific part in the plan. And you will sedate me beforehand so I won't even notice.' 

      'Yes so she will then of course be admitted to the hospital, when they question her about what happened she will say she was taken by the gang, we never showed our skin just like in our robberies. She was kept in a black room with nothing but her bed. We treated her well but she never got to see our faces or where she was held.'

       'The reason we kidnapped her is to threaten to kill her if she doesn't stop searching for us. She says she didn't want to tell us that she would stop but in the end she gave in and we let her go.'

Everyone was silent for a little while.

Hoseok turned to me 'you sure you can convince the cops of this story?'

I nodded confidently,

     'I had time to think through about what I would say, so yes' 

After hours of waiting, which seemed to take forever, we stood in front of the van.

In the darkness of the night, just the five of us. The exact plan was that Taehyung would push me out and Hoseok was driving.

Again; Jungkook and Jimin shouldn't be involved too much with all of this. They would sedate me though, in that way I wouldn't feel anything, but also it would be more believable for our story.

Jungkook and Jimin both stared down as I entered the van. Right after I sat down Jungkook also stepped in with the needle.

     'I will now inject this alright?' he asked in a soft voice, in response I nodded. I laid my arm open for him to do what was needed. We shortly gazed into each others' eyes but soon after Jungkook looked down and I felt a short sting. 

Next thing I am aware of is the bright lights of the hospital room and the soft pillows I was sleeping on.

It had worked

but this was only the beginning. The lying and the covering shit up started now.

Gina was the first who visited me, as soon as the doctor indicated I was able to receive guests. Which honestly was pretty quick after I woke up.

It wasn't completely unexpected because I didn't feel bad, except for the wound in my shoulder but even for that Taehyung had given me proper medication so it was doing well.

As I had rehearsed in my head and with Jungkook I told Gina about the continuous threats that the gang had given me. As well as that I was in no way able to see anything identifiable about the people. They didn't ask me any questions but perhaps considering I only just returned from a kidnapping they didn't want to pressure me either.

Gina had left not for a minute until someone pretty unexpected visited me.

      'y/n, are you alright?' My mother rushed in and it freaked me out as I saw a concerned look on her face.

     'yes mom I'm fine.'

      'I can't believe the hospital had such lacking security. I have doubled your security this time.'

I looked at her stunned. She slowly walked to my bedside and took place on the chair.

     'Do you remember what happened? did they treat you well?' Mother asked .

I repeated the same rehearsed story that I also told Gina not too long before. Mother listened attentively to everything and it seemed she bought the story.

Jungkook arrived, we also rehearsed that. It would be illogical and suspicious if he didn't. Considering the first time I arrived in the hospital, after I got shot, Jungkook was the first to be all worried. It should be the same or even worse this time. 

     'Mr Jeon'

Jungkook bowed deeply,

     'I apologise for what happened the previous time. If I had been more cautious perhaps y/n wouldn't have been taken.'

     'I heard you were sedated yourself so I can hardly blame an unconscious man. but your apology shows me what a respective young man you are.'

She switched her eyes between him and me.

     'I will leave you two some time alone.'

and then the weirdest thing happened as she took my hand and squeezed it softly.

    'You are safe now y/n and I will make sure you will have enough security at all times.'

     't-thank you mom' I stuttered, completely surprised by her caring gestures. 

I stared ahead still confused, it seemed Jungkook was confused as well.

     'Your mother was so ...' Jungkook started

      'Caring..' I finished

      'I don't get it' I let out while Jungkook sat on the chair next to my bed.

      'Maybe because she almost lost you. perhaps it made such an impression that she changed'

     'It's freaky'

There was a silence

      'Do you know why she is so severe on you?' Jungkook suddenly asked. You don't have to tell me if you don't want to.' he quickly added.

It was quite a personal question so I hesitated but still I also felt like telling him. 

     'My mother obviously never elaborated much on it but my grandma once got into an argument with her when I was small. I asked gran afterwards as well but anyways apparently my mother was crazy in love with my father. or better said they were crazy in love.'

      'She accidentally got pregnant, I think she forgot a pill. They discussed aborting me but eventually they thought they could do it. However, soon after I was born my father discovered "he wasn't ready at all". He left her and she was left with me.'

      'I think she treats me so severely because she wants me to be the best. I guess it would be a validation for her that it didn't matter that she lost him because she had me. A perfect child, one that she was able to raise all by herself.'

When I finished the story about my mother and father as I had been told by my grandmother I waited for any reaction from Jungkook.

     'You are already perfect the way you are' Jungkook answered but then his eyes widened and he shook his head, 'I mean she shouldn't put such a pressure on the shoulders of her child. and accept you for who you are.'

Lastly, Jimin also stopped by but it was only shortly and quite fast after he arrived Dong-min and Seojun also appeared in my room. It would be a lie if I'd say I didn't expect them but I didn't expect them this soon.

They weren't surprised Jimin was there. it all was part of the story that we tried to sell. That Jimin and Jungkook had no involvement whatsoever and to do that both had to be super worried about me. 

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