28 - A Drunk Night

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I hesitated at first but also realized that y/n was not doing well and perhaps I could convince her to drink water instead of alcohol.

Without a word I stepped inside. y/n clapped her hands.

     'The gang leader has arrived in my house' she exclaimed as if she was an announcer.

      'although, I should take some credit for the success of this gang because I am the genius that inspired you!!!!'

Although she was cheery and smiling there was a hint of sadness in her voice.

She walked towards her glass of wine but I quickly passed her and got it

    'I think you have had enough don't you?'

She frowned 'what are you? my father?'

     'no but I am someone that cares for you.' I let out sternly. I said in such a way that she should realize I was telling the truth.

y/n opened her mouth but soon closed it again, she had that look as if she didn't know what to say.

She fell down on the couch


     'What?' I asked

     'Don't care for me'

There was that pain going through my body. I tried to ignore her comment though it did hurt a lot. I walked to the kitchen and poured a glass of water. I returned to where y/n was sitting and handed it to her

     'just drink this okay?' I indicated while sitting down on the couch next to her. To my surprise she actually did what I asked her to do.

She then leaned sideways and placed her head on my shoulder making me freeze by this sudden action. 

    'I have to start in the murder investigations squad you know.' she said and I nodded 'I know.'

We talked a little bit more until I noticed she had her eyes half opened, and by the way she spoke and articulated she wasn't that present anymore.

   'I think it's time for bed y/n.'

     'yea' she hummed still with her head on my shoulder and when I looked sideways at her, she had already closed her eyes.

I eventually lifted her bridal style from the couch and walked towards one of the doors. I first opened the door to her bathroom, that wasn't the right one.

Eventually I opened the right one to her bedroom. I gasped when I saw her wall. I had a hard time not letting her fall because it was truly a shock. 

The wall was covered with all these articles related to my gang.

I first laid y/n in her bed and then inspected the wall more closely.

    'kook' she mumbled in her sleep diverting my gaze from her wall to her half asleep figure.

    'yes y/n?' I asked in a low voice as I sat next to her but I saw she had already closed her eyes.

I pulled the blanket over her and softly caressed her face. Then I got up and walked outside of her bedroom.

I should just go home right?

I thought about that wall again.

It was my fault she was doing this to herself. What if she wakes up and does something even worse, than excessively drinking, to herself? Perhaps I'd better stay to make sure she is alright.

No don't be crazy. 


The following morning I woke up from my alarm with the worst hangover I had experienced in some time, my head was pounding.

The unfamiliar thing though was the smell that filled my nose. It seemed like fresh baked eggs. I slowly sat up, this was already quite an undertaking.

what happened?

My eyes widened as I remembered Jungkook was here last night.

I grabbed my pillow and screamed into it as the memories slowly filled my mind. gosh all the things I said, this is so embarrassing.

I needed to go to the bathroom real bad, but that meant I'd have to get up.

I tried to get out of bed, it took some effort but finally I was able to.

I opened my door and moved towards the next door which would be the bathroom, when that smell became even more present. I looked at my kitchen and froze as I saw Jungkook baking some eggs.

    'w-w-..' I uttered out 'what are you doing here?'

Jungkook awkwardly scratched the back of his neck 'uhm you fell asleep and I uh ... I was a bit worried. So I slept on the couch in case you ......'


    'uhm in case you needed anything.'

I knew it shouldn't, but it did send butterflies through my stomach.

Jungkook's eyes unconsciously scanned down and I became aware I was still wearing my shorts. I quickly put my hands in front of my body, as if I could hide my bare skin. but then also realized I was wearing this last night when he visited. 

    'oh I think I'm...' I started but what the hell was I going to say? I think I am fine? I definitely wasn't.

Jungkook sighed 'I know I have been asking too much of you lately' his face filled with the guilt he was experiencing. 'but I think it would be good to clear your wall'

     'I don't want you to see that every time, It's not good for you y/n. I am not asking you as the leader of the gang but I am asking you as your friend, a friend that has cared for you for years.'

I took a deep breath, it was conflicting, him asking me this but on the other hand. If the roles were reversed I'd definitely ask him that as well.

    'I will think about it' I eventually said. After that I actually went to the bathroom, had a shower and changed. We ate the breakfast Jungkook prepared in silence. Jungkook stood up

    'I'd better go now.' 

He was about to leave but I stopped him. 


He gazed at me in anticipation.

      'Could you maybe help me with clearing the wall, I.. I don't know if I can do that alone'

It was hard to show my fragile side, and it was even harder to ask him for help. Or rather, it was conflicting. considering everything. I'd ask him to help me remove all these articles on his gang from my wall.

but on the other hand, I asked the boy I trusted and that had shown worry and care for me throughout.

His eyes widened in surprise as well, but soon he looked at me in a serious manner

     'of course I will help you.'

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