4 - Real Partners

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Seojun and Dong-Min clapped 'yes for a rookie this is a really good first day Jungkook!'

      'The best probably' Seojun added.

       'yes well.. Jungkook could you come with me please?' Gina then asked and I wasn't too sure why she asked me in the first place to get him if she planned to do it herself. but anyways, Jungkook left with Gina and Seojun and Dong-min smirked at me

      'What?' I asked

      'So we are thinking whether you are sad or happy at the moment. I mean apparently you got a good trade of partner. but then again you and Jimin shared something... intense?'

      'Does my life seem like a kdrama to you guys?' I said while crossing my arms and raising my eyebrow.

They both looked at each other and burst out in laughter

     'if it was I would surely watch it' Seojun indicated

     'aish you two annoy me' I let out and that only seemed to be an invite to tease me even more. 

A week passed without much happening. As in no real robberies. Jimin still ignored me as much as he could, and considering we were in different teams that wasn't all too hard for him. 

He also spent the breaks more with his team, which made sense. It wouldn't be great for his team bonding if he spent all his time with his old team. I couldn't shake the feeling of missing him though.

Even when Seojun and Dong-min were joking with saying that Jimin and me shared something intense, it had some truth in it. It was that typical "you don't know what you're missing until its gone" kind of situation.

The replacement in contrast was indeed not bad, considering I was familiar with Jungkook and we were friends during the academy and also shared a connection. besides, Jungkook seemed to feel more and more at ease which meant he opened up more and even joked around with me and the others. 

Another week passed and me and Jungkook got better in working together too. He did spend the majority still on his computer, which made sense as Mr Min hired him as a hacker. or rather counter hacker. and there was no denying that Jungkook knew his stuff. He already helped us with online ransoms a lot.

Friday arrived and we had our Friday afternoon drinks with the team. Just talking about what we were going to do in the weekend and that sort of thing.

     'so y/n what are your plans?' Gina asked as Dong-min just extensively told us about his weekend plans which involved two first dates with two different girls. According to him this was an efficient way to spend his time.

     'uhm they are reshowing Train to Busan in the cinemas and I'd love to see it on the big screen again so I guess I'll go see that.'

    'by yourself?' Seojun asked in a certain tone.

      'uh yes?' I replied

      'oh come y/n, you can find yourself a guy that would like to go with you' Dong-min replied

     'Why can't I just go by myself? I can either sit at home alone and watch a movie OR watch a movie I really want to see on a huge ass screen. Easy choice.'

     'You're hopeless' Dong-min replied.

    'What about you Jungkook?' Gina asked

He looked down and scratched the back of his neck

      'actually I was planning to go this evening to the Train to Busan' he indicated and I remembered that Jungkook liked scary movies as well so it made sense. He then gazed at me - '.. maybe you want to go with me?' 

I hesitated, and I wasn't too sure why. okay it had to do with Jimin but that was stupid. 

Firstly, because he avoided me like I was some sort of plague, so fuck him.

Secondly because I more often spend time alone with a guy, especially because the majority of the police officers were guys.

And lastly, during the academy I spent tons of times alone with Jungkook. There was no certain insinuation here, right?

    'uhm yes sure'

     'oh you two are really already partners aren't you?' Gina said as a joke. It was funny because with Jimin she was always insinuating something more but with Jungkook she didn't make it awkward at all, just as if I was going to the movies with a friend. 

After drinks we headed out

    'We should have some food first.' Jungkook indicated and I agreed. Nothing worse than sitting through a movie with an empty stomach. We had Jajangmyeon and I couldn't help but chuckle as it seemed that Jungkook had no stop in his appetite.

He kept eating, it was quite mind blowing.

      'What?' he asked with these big innocent eyes as I stared at him.

      'No nothing just it seems your appetite has significantly increased compared to the last time I saw you.'

He smiled, 'yes true'.

Eventually we left towards the cinema. In the line for our tickets I suddenly saw Mike, he used to be in our class in the academy. Again a coincidence, thought his theatre was closest to our police station and he also worked there. In a different division but in the same location. 

I looked at Jungkook and saw he also looked into Mike's direction.


I heard sounds coming from the hallway but it was after class, and it was clear someone was being bullied, again. I had a certain feeling it was the same person again. I walked towards the sounds and indeed I saw Jungkook on the ground.

      'You shouldn't try so hard Jungkook, a nerd like you has no place at the police. why are you making it harder for the rest of us?'

      'I.. I am sorry' Jungkook stuttered while one of the guys gave another kick. One of the guys being Mike. Jungkook braced himself and put his arm in front of his face to protect himself.

I rushed towards the scene, Mike and his friends looked at me surprised while I positioned myself between Jungkook and them.

      'What are you doing here y/n? I thought everyone had left'

      'guess you could spend your time more wisely, like seeing an optician instead of going after your classmates.' 

      'What is it to you? Do you like this loser?' Mike scoffed and I rolled my eyes, unimpressed.

      'Would it make you jealous if I did?' I said while crossing my arms, Mike stepped closer to me, leaving little space between the two of us. he smirked

    'perhaps, because I would definitely be able to show you a better time than he does. '

I rolled my eyes 'I'll take my chances. now could you leave?'

Mike scoffed 'whatever' and with that he and his friends left.

I turned around and I extended my hand to Jungkook to pull him up.

     'Let's go'

He didn't take it and even seemed a bit annoyed

     'you shouldn't have done that,it will only make things worse.' 

I sighed,

     'Jungkook, I wished you stood up for yourself a bit more.. I know this sounds bad especially as we are in a police academy but the "strong" assholes will always prey on the nice people.'

Ever since that day I intended to spend more time with Jungkook, maybe it was out of care and perhaps it was because he reminded me of my best friend.

There was just something endearing about him, he was smart and naturally handsome. And foremost considerate, in contrast to the majority of the people I had encountered in life.

Caught In The Middle | Jimin & Jungkook x ReaderOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant