37 - I Need You (18+)

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The image of Jimin and Jungkook in jail was so upsetting. I got up, changed into the clothes that were hanging over my chair and immediately left.

I rang the doorbell pretty aggressively. It was in the middle of the night, around 01:30, A dazed Jungkook opened the door and his eyes widened as he saw me.

He was wearing sweatpants and a bathrobe.


    'What are you doing here?'

I stepped inside without an actual invitation but I didn't care.

     'so hear me out, I had a dream. you and Jimin were arrested and you were in jail. I know this sounds crazy but I think Namjoon is close to solving all of it.' 


I stared in confusion at y/n. She was all worked up, it was very visible.

    'You had a dream?'

     'Yes but it seemed so real.' It was rather weird to see her so upset over a dream in which we were captured.

I stepped closer, laying my hand on her cheek 'y/n don't worry okay? I got it.'

She looked in my eyes and for a moment I had this urge to kiss her. I leaned forwards but y/n took a small step back and looked down.

I sighed. It was just like earlier today. I keep misinterpreting the signs and her actions as well. Maybe this was about her best friend.

Or maybe as I had seen yesterday, I am not the one she is interested in at all. 

y/n pov

Jungkook sighed and then he threw it all out. 'Y/n you know that I am hopelessly in love with you. but if I keep perceiving your feelings in the wrong way like I am. I think it's better if I also distance myself from my feelings from you. I do not want to make you feel uncomfortable.'

He paused for a moment and cleared his throat. 'I know you slept with Jimin some time ago, I don't know how things are now between the two of you but if being with him makes it better for you then maybe that would be something?'

I stared at him, he began stating it so factually but he ended in a sad tone. It was clear he had thought this true, perhaps thought of moment that he should stop this.

He stepped back but I grabbed his wrist. He first looked down to where I grabbed him and then he stared at me.

     'Jungkook, it wasn't him I thought of as my fake boyfriend. doesn't that tell you anything?'

He still stared at me blankly. For a guy that smart he had really poor skills in catching these signs.

     'The thing is.. I need you Jungkook' I let out 

it wasn't only a confession to him, it was also to myself, because after everything that happened I tried to ignore or downgrade whatever I was feeling for him.

Until now

because it was the truth. I did need him.

As a response he cupped my face with both his hands and kissed me very tenderly.

For me this case validated my words even more. The kiss was short yet I had the feeling I was about to combust.

He pulled back just a little and his forehead still touched mine

     'you will always have me y/n.' he whispered

I immediately connected my lips with his again. Pulling his body closer to mine, his arm finding his way around my waist. As time passed we both seemed to find the confidence and determination. Jungkook held on to me even tighter. His tongue now very much intertwined with mine. we stumbled backwards further into his place. 

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