3 - Team Work

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Present Day

It seemed he really tended to keep it that way, and even take it a step further as he seemed to avoid any form of eye contact.

     'But I am curious what did you and y/n do in the time you were away?' Dong-Min asked happily, totally oblivious.


Before either of us had a chance to answer the question with some fabricated lie the alarm on our phones rang; a theft at a jewelry in town.

I immediately got up.

      'Let's go' Gina indicated 'y/n, take Jungkook with you in your car, he will experience work in the field straight away'

       'yes ma'am' I answered

Everyone now got up, even Jungkook on his first day, everyone except for Jimin.

We ran towards the police cars and as instructed me and Jungkook took a car and the others took the other car. Gina always stayed at the station to oversee the operation.

      'Just pay close attention to how we normally do this okay?' I asked Jungkook while driving and he nodded his head.

The car radio was our way of communicating and soon I heard Gina's voice

      'The robbers aren't at the jewelry store anymore, y/n, Jungkook can you drive in proximity to see if you see any suspicious figures? Seojun and Dong-Min please proceed to the Jewelry store to investigate.'

       'Understood' I replied and I took a turn to the right.

        'So now we aimlessly drive around?' Jungkook asked confused.

       'Yes because sometimes we intercept them in their escape that way.'


Not much later I saw two figures, covered in black with bags in their hand, running away in the distance.

I rolled my eyes

     'idiots' I let out, I just thought if I would rob a place I wouldn't be running like an actual robber right afterwards, it's like putting a huge arrow on your back indicating you did it.

I speeded up by pressing the pedal a bit harder.

     'What are you doing?' Jungkook asked shocked.

      'Catching the bad guys?' I asked like it was the most obvious thing.

I suddenly went to the right side of the road. this would be considered ghost riding but considering there was hardly anyone on the road it was safe. in a really busy street I wouldn't even tried this shit. 

      'What are you doing?!' Jungkook repeated but with more lets say urgency as I was driving on the other side of the road.

I hated to say this but he was getting on my nerves. alright, perhaps I was reckless sometimes, normally I had Jimin by my side and he hardly ever questioned my decisions.

I stopped the car a bit in front of the front runner robber and instantly got out. I launched myself at the person, and that guy immediately fell to the ground. I put him in a position he wasn't able to escape.

The other person looked back and instantly ran forwards

       'HEY WTF' the guy under me screamed but I pressed harder making him groan in pain

The other person continued his running.

Fuck I could hardly let this guy go, what should I do? 

As I was considering whatever the hell I was supposed to do I saw another figure making a sprint towards the culprit

It was Jungkook

The way he moved, the speed and strength, I just gazed at him. He within no time caught up with the other guy. and he just pushed him lightly but because they were both running so fast the guy immediately lost balance and crashed down on the pavement.


honestly it was hot.

I know I know I had a guy pressed under one of my knees but it was fine he couldn't go anywhere.

Jungkook soon returned with the other robber handcuffed.

Not long after the regular police also joined us and took the robbers to the police station. 

We stood on the pavement

     'That was good teamwork' I let out still pretty dumbstruck by what just happened. Jungkook awkwardly scratched the back of his neck

     'yes partner' he replied.

I wanted to ask him where he learnt how to like fight and run and stuff because the Jungkook I knew was only focused on his computer.

My phone rang 'it's Gina' I indicated and I picked up

       'hey y/n, Good work the both of you. Can you return to the office so we can document what happened and then leave it in the hands of the police?'

       'yes we are on our way!'

We arrived back and I told Jungkook to first go meet the team so that I would talk to Gina separately. That was normal practice. Having the statements of what happened independently.

Before I stepped into Gina's office I heard two voices.

      'is y/n okay?' I recognized Jimin's voice 

       'yes Jimin she is fine' Gina replied in a certain tone and that seemed to be the last of their conversation.

He showed concern. That thrill of affection I felt, soon was replaced with annoyance, if he was concerned about my wellbeing, he could ask me himself how I was doing. Was he seriously not going to talk to me one-on-one anymore?

I rolled my eyes and then walked in anyways

       'y/n you're here' Gina exclaimed, a bit with widened eyes.

         'Ma'am,.... Jimin' I let out.

Jimin glanced at me and then left without a word. I went over the whole thing with Gina as we at the spot documented it.

       'Thank you for this y/n, again great work! could you ask Jungkook to come next up? so we can verify the stories?'

I stood up 'yes ofcourse' 

Jungkook stood in our area, he seemed to be very uncomfortable and my heart softened at the sight of it. I guess I felt that way in the academy as well, like protective over him or something.

I don't know how to put it into words.

He smiled as he saw me approaching.

      'hey y/n'

        'hey Jungkook, Gina wants to see you in her office to verify the story.'

       'oh sure' he said

       'hey Jungkook... I uh I didn't know you could..'

I didn't finish the sentence, yeah y/n what were you going to say? "I didn't know you could actually fight because I thought you were a nerd?"

That would be the stupidest thing to say. 

Jungkook awkwardly laughed

      'I could fight? I also finished the academy remember. We graduated together?'

I flustered, feeling embarrassed he guessed what I was thinking.

       'I remember yes'

I surely did, considering we almost kissed that day.

Jungkook stared at me as if he also reminisced about that exact moment and I really wished that my head wasn't turning into such a tomato.

        'The heroes of the day' Gina exclaimed happily while walking in, this surely disturbed the intense gazing from Jungkook's side.

He immediately looked down when she got close. 

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