15 - Love Triangle Vibe

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My cheeks flustered 'uhm well yes.'

     'But why? I was a loser' Jungkook asked confused. I shook my head

     'I disagree with that, you were shy like you still are but you were smart and considerate. the fact those guys picked on you didn't mean you were a loser to me, it just made those guys assholes.'

     'You're serious?' he let out and I also stopped.

     'yes' I replied softly.

      'Why didn't you tell me at the time?'


       'That you felt that way'

      'I don't know.. I thought it was obvious and I guess I wasn't great on acting on my feelings that much. but it's in the past' I said while continuing my walking. Jungkook grabbed my wrist. not forcefully or anything but just to stop me.

     'is it really though?' He asked while intensely gazing into my eyes. 

I looked away because I could feel how horribly I was blushing.

My cheek was turned back by Jungkook's hand. He had stepped closer which didn't leave a lot of space between us.

     'is it y/n?' he repeated. My heartbeat exhilarated, and my legs seemed to become weak.

The fact he had this effect on me meant something.

I shrugged defeated

     'I don't know.'

and that was enough confirmation for him to cup my face and kiss me. I had my eyes open as it was rather unexpected but I soon gave in and closed my eyes.

It was unexpected because it was Jungkook. I mean he was always so shy with girls and didn't try such a proactive thing. 

His soft lips connected with mine gave me thrill, and my arms find a way around his neck, my right hand roaming through his hair. It was a moment that, especially during my time at the academy, I had often imagined. and yet it still exceeded the imagination.

We released and both smiled, without really a word we continued the walk. as if it was the most natural thing that we just kissed.

Not as if it was the first kiss.

I then looked down knowing I should address whatever it was what we were doing.

     'Jungkook.. uhm like the team said no dating each other is a rule we set.'

     'I know' then he smiled his bunny smile 'but at least I got to kiss you once and know how you feel about me too'

I fumbled with my hands

       'besides, at some point one of us, probably you will get promoted anyways, I can wait for that.' he added 

It was a thing I didn't even think about, but the fact he did was erupting butterflies in my stomach.

     'I mean not that I expect you to wait for that' he quickly said, a bit embarrassed.

I took his hand.

It was just that his words were touching, and also because I wanted to hold his hand. We resumed our walk for over an hour, talking about the academy and also gossiping about the team, which was pretty funny. Jungkook a while later yawned.

    'hey it's already late, I think we should call it a night' I indicated, a bit reluctant, but Jungkook was still in his healing phase so he needed the extra rest.

     'alright' he also said not too convincingly. 

We shared an uber and we first arrived at mine.

         'uhm so sleep well Jungkook' I indicated, I gazed at him, my eyes trailing to his lips.

aish I wanted to kiss him again, but I shouldn't.. right?

       'uhm yes, goodnight y/n.'

I made the movement to get out but then was pulled back by Jungkook for a kiss. Just a short one but it was good and fitting.

I smiled



With a certain adrenaline racing through my body and butterflies in my stomach I went to bed. 

I stared at Jungkook. He was wearing a suit and it really looked good on him. I think it was the first time I saw him in a suit. No maybe before as well. We were holding hands.

When I looked to my left I saw Mr Min, who seemed to be some sort ceremony master. and to my right I saw a room full of people.

I was at my wedding? I then focused on Jungkook and his words.

'and as I have set before, ever since the academy you have held a special place in my heart and finding out you felt the same has been the best thing that happened to me. I am so happy we are here today to make our love a promise.'

I was very touched by his words and didn't hide it.

Yoongi smiled

'if anyone can show just cause why this couple cannot lawfully be joined together in matrimony,, speak now or forever hold your peace'

My eye contact with Jungkook wasn't interrupted, I just admired his happy face. He had this small but content smile.


I froze recognizing that voice


Yoongi's complexion didn't change

     'on what grounds exactly do you object?'

      'She doesn't want him, she wants me!' He exclaimed receiving a gasp from the audience.

      'Y/n' he looked at me with these puppy eyes 'you have to believe me I don't love her.. I LOVE YOU.' he ran towards us.

He loved me? My mouth fell open. Jungkook let go of my hands in shock

      'is that true? you want him?'

      'Noo, I - I ' I stared at Jungkook and then back and Jimin, who was now in close proximity.

Jungkooks eyes darkened and next thing I know he launched himself at Jimin, throwing a few punches.

     'STOP FIGHTING' I screamed

I woke up

I ran my hands through my hair and shook my head.

damn I should watch less Kdrama's.

I arrived at work a bit late, it wasn't like me but the past few weeks with everything that was going on I was losing that structure a bit.

     'Did you see Jimin and Jungkook talking?' Dong-min asked in a low voice to our team. Gina nodded 'It didn't look like a very friendly conversation'

Seojun shook his head 'no.. It wasn't. Wonder what they had to discuss'

Gina rolled her eyes

       'really? because I have a pretty good guess what they talked about.' 

All their eyes suddenly were on me.

     'What are you looking at me for' I indicated, as they shouldn't be aware of neither my night with Jimin nor my kiss with Jungkook.

They exchanged a glance

     'Nothing, just a vibe.' Dong-min indicated

     'a love triangle kind of vibe' Seojun added

I got up

    'Really? we are not in high school anymore. perhaps they just don't like each other.' I hissed and walked out.

They probably had a point but still;

it was none of their business.

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