Valentines Week (Part 3)

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Santana's POV:

Friday 17th February:

"Hey, Dickhead," I started, addressing Puck who was sat beside me. Math has been the main place where we're able to speak because it's the only class where we are sat together.

"Yes, Asshole," he smirked and turned to face me.

"I need you to tell me everything you know about Jamie's dad..."

"Wait, what?" That seemed to get his attention. "How do you even know that we don't have the same dad?" He folded his arms over his chest protectively and I realised that I activated protective brother mode.

"Relax, Fuckerman, my mom is dating him."

"Really?" He uncrossed his arms and rested his head on his hand instead. "Interesting," he commented with the annoying smirk on his face again.

"Just tell me what you know," I sighed.

"Of course, Sis," he put emphasis on the last word.

"What did you just call me?" I asked with wide eyes.

"Your mom is dating my sister's dad. That makes you my sister," he shrugged.

"She's your half-sister, and they aren't even married,"

"She's my sister, and so are you. Family is family, it doesn't matter if we don't have the same two parents." I raised a brow at his attitude- it's not like him at all. "When you have my dad as a dad, you kind of need to learn that or the world will be a much darker place." He explained. We really do run the shit dad club, don't we?

"As sweet as that is, No-No, you do realise that, by your logic, you had sex with your sister, don't you?" I hoped that that would stop him from saying I'm his sister but it just made his smirk grow.

"And you fucked your brother," he laughed loudly.

"Mr Puckerman, would you care to share what is so funny?" The teacher asked and I begged him with my eyes not to say anything. The whole class was silent and, of course, he decided that he wanted to be hilarious.

"Oh, we were just discussing how Santana used to fuck her brother," he shrugged nonchalantly, smirking so much when the class started mumbling.

"For the last time, you are not my brother-" I said angrily and rested my head on the table out of embarrassment. He just laughed before the teacher instructed us to get back to work. "I hate you," I muttered, looking up at him. "Can you just answer my question, I need to make sure that he's not going to hurt my mom..."

"He wouldn't," he assured sincerely. "That guy is the closest thing I have ever had to a real father figure, and he treated me, Jamie and my mom really well while he lived with us."

"What about when he left?"

"I resented him for a while because I thought it was his fault that everything got fucked up."

"Was it?" Tim told me what happened, but I didn't know whether that was true or if Puck even knows.

"No," he sighed. "My mom seems to make a habit of ruining the few good things we have,"

"Oh, so she's the reason you're fucked up?" I joked. He laughed half-heartedly.

"Bold of you to assume I was ever good,"

"Was it hard to deal with his job?" I asked.

"Not really, it just made the time that we were together even better. Sure, he was tired all the time, but he wouldn't let that stop him from being an awesome parent and boyfriend. I don't know what really happened between them, but I think that my mom regrets letting him go."

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