The morning after

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San's POV:

This is officially the best day of my life. Waking up with Brittany, the girl I love so much, next to me and realising that she is mine. Brittany S Pierce is my girlfriend. I honestly feel like doing a happy dance, the same way I did when I found out that she was bi.

She was still asleep when I woke up so I just decided to watch her. I don't even care if I am a creep, she is my girlfriend and, because she is usually the one dragging me out of bed, I never get to see just how beautiful she is whilst sleeping. She is so peaceful, no worries about what Tubbs is doing or people at school calling her the S word. I love seeing her like this. I have put her through so much recently that she hasn't looked so at ease in a long time. I feel so guilty for everything, I just want to be able to make her happy for the rest of our lives to make up for it.

After a few minutes of thought and admiring my beautiful girlfriend, I glanced over at the clock and noticed that it was 7.00 am. I knew that I needed to wake her up now or we would be late, but I didn't want to interrupt her dreams. Knowing her, it would probably be about unicorns and rainbows. She is so innocent, not in the naïve way, but in the way that she can see the world with such colour- it is like she can make the darkest things seem bright. Surprisingly, she once described me as a unicorn. I didn't really understand it, but I nodded along anyway to keep her from feeling like her brilliant mind was anything less than genius.

She started to stir a bit in her sleep so I took that as an opportunity to wake her. I leaned forward towards her lips and grazed them ever so slightly. She made no effort to move, but I saw the corners of her lips twitch ever so slightly- she was awake. 

"Come on, B, it's time to get up." I said quietly, leaning forward to kiss her again. "I know you're awake" I kissed her again, "come on," I joked, nudging her gently. The next time that I went in to kiss her, she quickly jumped up and switched our positions so she was on top of me. I laughed slightly as we went in for a more heated kiss.

As we pulled away, we were both laying on our sides facing each other, our foreheads touching and the both of us smiling. "Morning," she whispered.

"Hey," I said with a slight giggle. Usually I would be surprised that such a sound came from me, but I know that, with B, anything can happen. "we really need to get up, come on, babe." I continued while trying to get up. She just smiled at me crazily, it confused me, but I still smiled back. Whenever I see Brittany happy, I am too.

"I love you," she started, catching my lips for another quick kiss, "babe." She winked before getting undressed, ready for her shower. My eyes went wide when I realised what I had said, and what she had said in return. I honestly couldn't believe it, I used to think that people who used pet names on one another were crazy, I felt weird whenever I heard them and, in short, I didn't like them at all. However, when she said that word, I just smiled so much my face hurt. We really were in a relationship.

"San?" She questioned when I made no attempt to move, breaking me from my Brittany-induced daze. "Are you okay?" 

"I just love you so much. I can't believe we are actually together, I never thought we would make it to this day." I admitted, giving her a hug. "I love you." I said in a whisper. She just kissed the top of my head and said it quickly back before leaving for her shower. 

Realising that it was now 7.15 am, I quickly showered in the other bathroom and got dressed, successfully avoiding any awkward conversations with Britt's parents. Don't get me wrong, I love Whitney and Pierce, but they have always said that if Brittany were to end up with a girl, they would want it to be me, and now that we are together, I don't know how I would go about hiding it. I know that I am not ready to come out to everyone, but if B wanted to tell them then who am I to stop her- they're her parents, and we already know that they would be supportive. I guess I just don't want to accidentally tell them the wrong thing and make her mad at me.

We got ready just in time to have a quick make-out session before having to leave, luckily. Making out with her was my favourite thing to do, even if her creepy-ass cat stares at us constantly. Honestly, I was rushing getting ready just for that, call me addicted, but I love her and her lips are just so soft.


Brittany's POV:

When I woke up this morning, I felt like I was dancing on rainbows. Santana Lopez, who is my girlfriend by the way, was kissing me. I can't think of a better way to be woken up. And then, and this is my favourite part, she called me babe! I love her so much and I can't believe I can actually do those things now. Pet names, hand holding, meaningful make-out sessions and sex (although we haven't actually done that one since we got together). 

We both agreed that until San was ready to come out, we wouldn't tell the school. That also means that we couldn't hold hands or kiss, but they are used to us linking pinkies and hugging so at least that's something. Honestly, I am a bit sad that we can't tell them, but San isn't ready and I won't pressure her. 

Despite not telling the school, we will tell the people who are closest to us and can trust to keep it a secret, we just tell each other who and agree on it. So far, we have said that we will tell Mercedes as San has already come out to her, Quinn because she is our best friend, and also Kurt. Kurt is, of course, my precious unicorn and I love him, but he is also one of the only people that San has let her walls down with. She hasn't told him about being gay, but I think he knows. They are actually really close, behind all the name calling, anyway. Santana will tell Mercedes and Kurt and we will both tell Q. Overall, I like this arrangement.

After a quick, but very heated, make-out session, we head to school. When we pull into the car park, she hugs me and says "We don't have to hide if you don't want to, B, I don't want this to hurt you, to hurt us..." She starts to ramble about how it might be ok for us to do that so I just look around to make sure that there is no one there and cut her off with a kiss.

"San, if you're hurt, then so am I. I would love to tell people, but you aren't ready. Besides, I like our plan so far. I will never pressure you into anything, and I will love you whether we are out to the school or not. I'm in this with you for as long as you will take me." I say gently, I don't want to see her cry again.

"I love you, I'm sorry that I don't want to tell anyone yet," 

"Babe," I say sternly, knowing that the use of that word alone will make her smile. "You have nothing to apologise for. I understand and I am happy just to have you as my girlfriend. I love you, now let's go before we get in trouble for being late, yeah?" she just nodded, the smile on her face still evident from the name. 

"Thank you, B," she said and I linked our pinkies. She nuzzled in to me slightly, and I knew that was a silent way of telling me that she loves me. I just smile and get ready for the day ahead.

A/N: Hey, I hope you are all enjoying this. I know I said that it would be the Barole wedding this chapter, but I really wanted a some nice Brittana moments as we haven't really had any so far.

I love you all, stay safe

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