Santa Claus Is Coming To Town

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Santana's POV:

My mom and I were spending Christmas at Britt's again this year, and I can't wait. Last year was amazing- being exposed to all of the traditions that shaped Brittany's beliefs and attitude towards the holiday was the best thing. I can't wait to see her get so excited again- she is even more adorable around this time, if that is even possible. I love it, and her, so much.

"Mami! Are you ready to go?" I shouted from the bottom of the stairs. She was in her home office (a desk in her bedroom) and I wanted to see Britt as early as possible.

"One second, I just have to finish this bit of paperwork." She called back down. I sighed and grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge before sitting on the counter.

Since my mom went back to work after my hospital incident, she has been working longer shifts. Of course I still see her, and she is always there for me (I think she is scared that something like that will happen again if she isn't), but she is working way too hard. I think that she has been forced to take on extra shifts to pay for my sessions with Eggy, or maybe she is just working as much overtime as she can. Regardless, she never seems to take a break. That is why I want to make this Christmas as relaxing and happy as I can for her.

While waiting, I decided to message Emily- we haven't really spoken that much since she left after West Side Story, but I think that it is because she needed to be free of distractions so that she could catch up on all the work she missed.

To Old Gay:
Hey, Em :)

From Old Gay:
Hey, Tana. How are you?

To Old Gay:
Not bad, you?

From Old Gay:
Yeah, I'm good. Are you still spending Christmas with Britt?

To Old Gay:
Yep. I'm just waiting for Mami to be ready and we will be going.

From Old Gay:
Oh, I see, I'm just a distraction. So nice, Tana.

To Old Gay:
Hey, we offered for you to come to Britt's with us, but you said no. Don't blame me, blame your lame self.

From Old Gay:
Mind who you're calling lame, kid. Anyway, I would have, but I'm still doing extra credit and stuff to make up for the time out.

To Old Gay:
Kid? You're only a couple of years older than me!

From Old Gay:
Exactly, you're still a kid to me.

To Old Gay:
I hate you.

From Old Gay:
Yeah, yeah, I hate you too, Tana.

Just then, my mom started walking down the stairs.

"Is that Britt?" She asked.

"Nope. Emily." I told her and she nodded with a small smile.

"Did she change her mind about coming?"

"No, she's still caught up with school stuff. She's just enjoying bullying me," I joked. My mom quirked her brow so I sighed before explaining. "She's saying I'm a child."

"Well, you are," she shrugged. "To her, at least." I let out a dramatic groan before taking another sip of my water and messaging Emily again.

To Old Gay:
Gotta go spend Christmas with my girlfriend. And Mami is on my side, by the way. I AM NOT A CHILD!

Broken- Brittanaحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن