Ketchup-Covered Tampons

365 14 70

Santana's POV:

"Brittany," I whispered, "Baby, wake up." It was earlier than we usually woke up, but I wanted to take her to the Lima Bean before school so that we could have a real conversation. We would have had one yesterday, but we were kind of distracted. I need to know that no one is bothering her and that she isn't mad that I had to leave. Schuester was right, I kept her out, but not myself. I messed up, even if I did have reasons which he would never understand.

"Is it time already," Britt groaned and I pressed my lips to hers softly. I hadn't actually told her about us going out, so I know that's why she was so willing to go for those extra few rounds.

"Not quite, Baby, but I want to go somewhere before school." She sat up through a huff, but still had a smile on her face.

"Oh yeah," she smirked, "where do you want to go?"

"I guess you'll just have to wait and see, Baby Girl." I joked, "But, come on, let's get ready, yeah?" She nodded and we walked into the bathroom. "Uh, Babe... are we about to do this again?"

"Do you not want to?" Why is she smirking so much today, that's my thing. I shook my head at the question, confused at how she thought I wouldn't want her, and pressed my lips to hers.


"Babe- what are we doing here?" Britt asked as we walked into the Lima Bean.

"Getting drinks," I shrugged. Honestly, I don't know why we're here. I just got the idea that she wanted to talk to me about something, but wasn't. "Go get a table," I told her, kissing her quickly. She nodded and walked away, then I ordered us drinks- hot chocolate for her and a latte with an extra shot of espresso for me- and a croissant each. We had left the house without breakfast today, and I knew that Brittany would be watching me extra carefully for the whole day if I didn't eat anything now.

When I walked back to her with our drinks and breakfast, she smiled and reached over the table for my hand. I still remember when I would only do this under a napkin or behind a menu- I can't believe how far we've come.

"Not that I am not loving this... thank you, by the way," Brittany started, "but why are we here?"

"To talk," she quirked her brow, "you know that you can talk to me about anything, right?"

"Of course I do," she said happily and I felt a wave of relief come over me. "Oh! I've actually been meaning to talk to you about a couple of things,"

"What is it, Babe," I smiled. I didn't want her to feel worried about saying anything that she want to- that isn't how a relationship should work.

"So, you know how Kurt is running for Class President?" I actually didn't know that, but I tried to keep the disappointment of everyone knowing my best friend's plans before me from being visible. "Hey, you alright?" She dipped her eyes to meet mine.

"Yeah," I smiled, "yeah." I repeated with more certainty. "So what about Hummel?" She looked like she didn't know whether to actually move on or not. "Babe?"

"Sorry, I- um- yeah. I want to run his campaign, I haven't actually asked him yet, I was waiting to see what you think."

"Baby, while I love that you're always thinking about me, I think that you should do it. You would be amazing!"

"Yeah, I guess, but it would mean that I would have less time for us to spend together-"

"And that's stopping you from doing it," I sighed. I meant for it to be a question, but I knew that it was the truth. "Babe-"

Broken- BrittanaTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon