Auditions and Campaigns

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Brittany's POV:

"So, auditions for West Side Story today- how do you feel?" I asked a clearly nervous Santana. We were driving to school after a rather... active morning, and I noticed that she had the music on louder than usual- something she does to keep her relaxed. I don't blame her for slightly freaking out, though, Anita has always been a role that she wants to play. Even though I'm sure that she will get it, and I think she knows she will deep down too, it will always be nerve-wracking to have the possibility of someone telling you that you aren't good enough for something you want so much. I watched her carefully as she tried to find the right words.

"I'm okay, just a little frightened. I mean, Artie is directing- I'm sure that he still isn't cool with me because of the confrontation thing that time, and especially not after why I'm not in Glee anymore." Why does Artie have to make her feel like this? He is always a part of her problems, and I have had enough of it now. She's the Lima-Heights (not) badass, and he is just a boy in a wheelchair who I wouldn't even know, had it not been for Glee.

"You know you can't go wrong with this," she has been practising her audition song over and over again since I told her about it. "And Artie wouldn't let his personal problems get in the way of an amazing show- something it wouldn't be unless you were in it. Besides, Coach Beiste and Miss Pillsbury have a say too. You're so talented, Babe, no one can deny that." She smiled a little and squeezed my hand.

"I'll never understand how you believe in me so much, I don't even see myself how you do."

"Well it's easy to believe in you when I know you so well. I know you better than you do, so you have to believe me when I tell you that you're going to kill this."

"I fucking love you."

"I love you more,"

"Not possible."

"Oh yeah it is,"

"Never." I laughed a little at her persistence, and decided to leave it for now- I could show her how much I love her later. "How about you? Are you going to give Kurt more of your ideas today?"

"I don't know, he probably won't even listen-"

"Britt, you're his campaign manager. He's only doing this so that he can get into NYADA- you just need to show him that you know this school better than he does. I mean, nobody even knew who he was- other than the obviously gay dumpster kid- three years ago. You know this school, the people, and what it should be, better than anyone. He doesn't deserve you if he isn't going to listen to you, he really doesn't." How does she manage to make me fall in love with her more and more each day? We had now stopped in the school car park, and we were just sat talking.

"I love you so much, San." I told her and pressed my lips to her for what I thought was going to be an innocent kiss, but turned out to be a little more passionate. I guess I haven't really noticed that no one cares that much about us being together anymore. Except for the few strange looks when we hold hands, or the comments made when we kiss, nobody really does anything about it. It's amazing the progress that we have made, and not even just San and I, we probably would have been killed if we had come out at any other time. The school has really grown, they may not accept us completely, but at least they are indifferent. "You ready to go?" I asked, snapping out of my thoughts. She nodded and we made out way into school, hand in hand, as always.

"You've got Glee first, right?" She asked with a small amount of sadness evident in her face, but more in her voice.

"Yeah," I sighed, "you know you can see if you are able to come back. Just say that your loyalty is with them, Sue doesn't even have to know. I mean, it's not like she explicitly told you to quit Glee, only to destroy the piano." I shrugged and she stopped in her tracks.

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