Regionals 2

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Saturday - Regionals

Santana's POV:

"Let me break it down for you, from one bitch to another." I started as Blaine, Kurt, Britt and I approached where Sebastian was sat at a table in the Lima Bean. He contacted me last night, requesting that Kurt, Blaine and I meet him before Regionals to talk and Britt wanted to come too. I sat down in front of him while the other three stood behind me like some kind of security detail. "All this vicious, underhanded crap has got to stop."

"Exactly." He agreed. That threw me off, I had a whole script prepared. It seems too nice for Sebastian, but he appears genuine which is confusing as hell. "That's why I called you here. First of all, Blaine, I am sorry about your eye."

"That means nothing to me." And here we have the return of Blainey who likes to pretend to be tough when angry. Honestly, it's more cute than frightening. I'm glad he's standing his ground, though, especially after he told me how much he hates him.

"Just give me a chance. I have no excuses, other than a lame prank got completely out of control. Second, the Finn photos have all been destroyed. I want the Warblers to win fair and square. And we're gonna take donations for Lady Gaga's Born This Way Foundation. Win, lose or draw, we're gonna dedicate our performance to Dave Karofsky. I thought you might want to join us."

"Wait for the punch, you know it's coming," Kurt said exactly what I'm thinking.

"No, not this time." He sighed. "For too long I have treated everything like a big joke. Karofsky approached me at Shaw's one night and I was my usual self." He shook his head while focussing his vision on the table. "It's all fun and games... until it's not." We sat in silence for a while, I was mostly just eyeing him, trying to work out whether he's fucking with us. But I couldn't find any markers no matter how hard I looked. But him being genuine is too good to be true, that's what my experience has taught me and I'd be an idiot to go against that. "I know things may not ever be the same, but I hope that we can be friends one day. I'm sorry,"

I stood up silently.

"We don't want your apologies," I said quietly and calmly before walking away, Britt, Blaine and Kurt following me.

"That was weird, right?" Britt asked when we got outside. We sat on the wall and I let out a sigh. Out of the four of us, she has had the least experience with Sebastian but she still knows all of the terrible things he's capable of.

"Yep," Kurt nodded.

"Totally," Blaine confirmed. "What do you think, San?"

"I don't trust him," I shook my head. "If you guys do, I genuinely don't know how."

"I don't trust him either," Blaine countered. "I just want to know if you think he'll try and pull anything else before Regionals? I didn't pick up on anything, did any of you?" Kurt and Britt both shook their heads.

"I don't think so," I shrugged. "Come on," I took Britt's hand in mine and stood up. "Let's go kick his ass in the competition, we can worry about everything else when it comes to it." Kurt linked his arm with my free one and held Blaine's hand so that we were all connected and we began our walk to McKinley.


After a few hours of straight rehearsals, we were told to get into our costumes and then we could have some free time until the show started. We drew the third position so we would have a while, but it's always respectful to watch your opponents fail.

The dresses this year are actually pretty nice. They resemble the outfits we wore on our first Sectionals in the way that they were both black with a coloured stripe across the centre. This year, it's gold whereas it was red in Sophomore Year. We also paired it with black heels and a gold headband. It looked pretty good.

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