New York

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Brittany's POV:

"Baby, wake up, we're about to land." I said softly and placed a gentle kiss to her lips. I found it quite funny how she was acting so scared- more scared than she actually was- and it tired her out. She was doing her cute mumbling as I tried to wake her up, I love this sight more than anything, but I don't think that she would appreciate me letting the others see how clingy she is- she doesn't even believe me. She is practically on top of me, a rare occurrence, and her fists were clenched on my shirt.

"How do you put up with it, B?" Quinn joked as she saw how San was trying to come even further on to me. I laughed a bit, shaking my head at her comment, and tried again to wake her up.

"San, come on," I tried pushing her off me a bit, into her chair, but she was having none of it.

"Britt-Britt stop," she mumbled incomprehensibly. Now everyone was looking at us and my cheeks flushed a bit.

"Everyone's watching, Honey..."

"I dun care,"

"We have to land-" that made her shoot up in fear. As San hasn't been on a plane before, landing and taking off are pretty much the scariest things known to man- or wo-man. "It's going to be okay, San," I told her reassuringly as she started to freak out about us falling to our deaths. I reached over and grabbed her hand, kissing each of her knuckles as I know it calms her down, and her breathing started to even out. "Baby, nothing is going to go wrong," she nodded hesitantly and readjusted her seatbelt.

"We're going to be okay," she stated, more trying to convince herself than anything, but I would take it. I grabbed her phone and earphones and put her music on for her- laughing a bit about the fact that she denies her love for theatre, yet is listening to the Les Misérables and Dear Evan Hansen soundtracks (among other musicals) for comfort.

We kept our fingers interlocked as we landed- and just as I had regained movement in my hand too. I didn't really mind though, as long as she feels safe. As we left the plane and entered the airport, Rachel was talking about all the fun things that she would be able to do while San was just staring adoringly at her surroundings- I knew the look because that is how she always looks at me.

"You like?" I asked her, smirking at how she tried to deny it when I broke her out of her daze. "Me too." She moved in closer and nuzzled against my arm. I still can't believe that we are in the place of unicorns! All the biggest unicorns live here and we get to witness them in their home habitat! I know that we are here for the competition, but I can't wait to experience New York for the first time with San. I'm going to enjoy teasing her about her love of Broadway and watching her get flustered while she tries to act like she doesn't care.

We first had to make our way to the hotel- we were going to check into our room later when we had free time so that Schue didn't find out. As much as it is, our separate room isn't just about sex. It is also a way to provide sanctuary for Quinn or Rachel, if they need it, as we highly doubt that they are going to want to sleep in the same room. There is still a lot of tension between them, but it isn't the same kind as it was. I really don't know how to describe it.

We all made our way to the shared room and I saw how San rolled her eyes at the fact that there were only two double beds. "I think we made the right decision, don't you?" I whispered and she nodded frantically.

"There is no way that we are staying with all of them in this," I nodded along with her because... well, there is no privacy. After we all put our luggage in their respective places, the boys came into our room and Schuester started talking. I was laying against the headboard on one of the beds and San was using me for support.

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