A Wedding?

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A/N: Hi, I'm sorry it's been so long. This was so hard to write and I'm still not happy with it- it might actually be my least favourite chapter ever- but at least it's up. Also, I'm sick so please send help. Anyway, I hope you enjoy :)

Santana's POV:

Britt, Rory and I took a deep breath before pushing the door open to the diner where we agreed we would meet our family. Being with our families is amazing, but not for a celebration when all attention will be on us. Usually, we would just enlist Ashley to help distract them, but I think we've done it a few too many times now and they're starting to catch on.

Britt and I found the diner a few weeks back when we were driving around and, as it is only a few blocks away from McKinley, we thought that it would be best to meet everyone there so that they didn't have to wait around while the audience was leaving.

They do the best milkshakes too, so that's a plus.

We scanned the place until Britt noticed them sat in a circular booth which had more room in it than regular ones- something needed because there were nine of us in total.

The three of us approached them and, as soon as they saw us, they started congratulating us quite loudly.

I slid in beside Emily who then leaned in closer to me and whispered something.

"So, do you insist on being good at everything because it's natural or do you just like to be annoying?" She asked playfully.

"Hm," I pretended to think. "A bit of both," I joked. She rolled her eyes, but she was still smiling. "I'm glad you finally got to see us win," I said quietly, Britt and Rory were dealing with our parents' questions while we spoke so there wasn't really any attention on us.

"Yeah, it was definitely a surprise," she quipped. "You deserved it, though." I just smiled and looked back to Britt who was talking about the choreography.

"That second number, though! You choreographed all that?" Whitney asked in disbelief. I turned to face the table rather than Emily so that I could properly concentrate on the conversation.

"Mike and I worked together," Britt replied somewhat bashfully. "And San and Tina helped a bit too,"

"We really didn't," I countered. All I was doing that day was watching Britt dance. Honestly, though, that's all I do most days- watch Brittany. "And Mike didn't really help much with the Troubletones number, he was contributing most with the first song." I looked up to the rest of the group instead of just talking to Britt. "She pretty much did it all on her own," I told them with a smile on my face which was so proud that I wanted to make fun of myself.

"It was nothing," she said quietly.

"Well, it was brilliant either way," my mom complimented.

"So, what's the next step?" Tim asked, trying to involve himself in the conversation more- all he really did before that was congratulate us and sit there awkwardly.

"We have Nationals in a couple of months," I replied. "They're in Chicago this year."

"Yeah, that will be our last competition of the year, probably San's and my last time competing ever," Britt added the last part without really thinking, but it was clear when it hit her how close we are to the end. I took her hand under the table and squeezed it gently.

"It'll be really nice to win, though. Going out on a high would be the best." I said.

"Yeah," Britt agreed.

We continued talking about the competition for a while until they'd asked us pretty much everything they could. From there, we moved on to topics that were a lot more comfortable for Britt, Rory and me because they weren't centred around us.

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