Purple Pianos (Part 1)

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Santana's POV:

"Britt," I shook my sleeping girlfriend gently. I could see from the way that she was positioned that she didn't get much rest last night. I wish that she would have woken me up, but she never does. "Baby, it's time to get up,"

"Not now," she mumbled and I smiled a little at her.

"We've got to go to school," I hate waking her up- it is usually the other way round so, when she is still sleeping, she probably didn't have a lot during the night.

"Tomorrow," I shook my head a little and pressed my lips to hers before shuffling out from her hold.

"I'm going to go in the shower, but you need to be getting ready when I come out." I kissed her again before walking to the bathroom. I wasn't expecting her to follow me, although it would never be unwelcome, because she was so tired. However, just as I was about to step in, the door opened. "I thought you were sleeping,"

"But then you said you were having a shower. You know you're not allowed to have a shower without me-" She is fucking perfect.

"Stop talking, Baby," I laughed. Her eyes were barely open, and her talking was slightly slurred because she was still half asleep. For that same reason, I didn't attempt to kiss her- if she wasn't awake enough to talk properly, I didn't want to initiate anything that she might not want to do.

"Are you going to kiss me or not," she asked, walking closer to me.

"Maybe, maybe not. Are you going to get ready for school?"

"Do I have to?" She groaned and I stifled my laugh.

"Yes, Britt, yes you do." I love when she acts like a toddler, no matter how annoying it might seem to anyone else, she is the cutest.

"Fine," she huffed and gently pushed me backwards into the shower, pressing her lips to mine.


I was driving us to school, Britt's hand in mine, and I started to worry. Honestly, I have been terrified about school for as long as I can remember, and that has now only been amplified since the whole hospital thing. Britt is even more over protective which is incredibly hot, but unnecessary. I feel bad about making her scared for me, she has enough of her own problems to worry about. Not to mention that this is our last chance to get school right. People can be horrible, and I only want to be able to protect B in the same way I used to. That isn't me saying that she can't defend herself, she most definitely can, but I like that I can make her feel safe too. When I am with her, I am never worried to the point where it can't be controlled- she makes everything better. I just like feeling like I contribute the same amount to our relationship.

"It's going to be okay, right?" I asked, trying to make it seem like I wasn't thinking about it too much.

"We're going to make it okay," Britt had woken up quite a bit since the shower... we both agree that it is the best way to wake up. "It might not seem like it for a while, but we have each other, so we will be alright."

"I love you Britt-Britt, never forget that,"

"Ditto, Baby." Was the last thing that she said before we pulled into our usual parking space at school.

We both sat in silence for a while, clinging to each other's hand until we finally worked up enough courage to get out of the car.

This isn't like the other times, we aren't Cheerios anymore, and we lost Nationals. We are just as vulnerable as everyone else, I never thought it would feel like this. We made a silent decision to go to the Glee kids, rather than the cheerleaders as we prefer them anyway, not that I'd ever tell them.

Broken- BrittanaHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin