Valentines Week (Part 2)

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Santana's POV:

Thursday 16th February

I forgot how magical it is to be surrounded by stars, even when they're not real. Last night, after school, Britt and I went to the Planetarium. Lima seems to have a million of them, but we've never gone together. We spent the whole time in the back row, cuddled up and just admiring the beauty around us. I loved it so much, it was perfect.

Today, however, is the day that I meet my mom's boyfriend... It's totally going to be the most fun thing that I do this week.

I really want to back out and go straight to Britt's after school, but I know that I can't. She has done so much for me and I know that she will end things with this guy if I want her to, but I genuinely don't want that. She deserves to be happy without any of my problems getting in the way, and I need to do all I can to ensure that she is as content in this relationship as she can be.

"Are you sure you don't want me to come with you and just wait outside in the car?" Britt asked as Glee was coming to an end. The invitation was extended to her too, my mom knows that we rarely separate, but we both agreed that it would be best for me to meet him on my own and then go to her house after. It's a decision that I regret making, but I know is right.

"I'm sure," I nodded. "Can I take you home first, though?"

"You don't have to be back at your house straight away?" I shook my head, "Then of course you can. You know I love it when you do," I felt a need to kiss her, but we're still in Glee so I just squeezed on our linked pinkies instead like I do now whenever we're in school and I feel that way. These new rules really do suck, but at least we have a new way of showing affection which is PG enough for the assholes who can't deal with us kissing.

Once the bell rang, we left the choir room and immediately kissed when we got into the car. People can judge us if they want, but they should try not being able to kiss all day. I guarantee they wouldn't be able to.

"So... are you going to be okay?" I asked.

"Shouldn't I be asking you that question?"

"Maybe, but I don't want to leave you if you're not going to be..."

"I'll be fine, San. And I don't think you need to stress about meeting him, I'm sure your mom wouldn't put you in a bad situation,"

"I know," I sighed. "I know that this guy would have gone through some kind of extensive screening process to make sure that he doesn't hurt me, but I just don't want to mess this up for her. Me being such a fuck up is the reason for her first marriage failing and her not dating since. I can't chase away the first guy she's been serious about,"

"Hey," she cupped my cheek softly. "Don't talk about yourself like that. You are not a fuck up." She said sternly.


"Maybe you're a little bit fucked up, but that's normal." She replied playfully. "You are not a fuck up." She repeated.

"I love you so much," I said with a slight laugh.

"I love you too, and I'm sure that this new guy is going to too."

"You're sure?"

"If he doesn't, then he's the silliest person in the world for giving up you and your mom. You're, like, my favourite people ever."

"My mom is on the same level as me?" I asked jokingly.

"Don't be silly, no one is even close to you." She said so sincerely that I'm pretty sure something inside me died; I honestly felt like I was melting into some kind of puddle. I cupped her cheek and pulled her closer to me before taking her lips in mine.

Broken- BrittanaTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon